The shrew of time travel

Chapter 321 'Money for Life'

Chapter 321 'Money for Life'

Mu Wenhao heard Pomegranate's envy, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"What happened before... I was sorry for you... I will treat you well in the future."

As he spoke, Mu Wenhao turned his face away awkwardly.

Originally there was a little grievance in my heart, but now hearing what Mu Wenhao said, Pomegranate let out a snort and laughed.

"This is what you said, I remember~~~ Hurry up and go, tell your mother, we have to go back to eat, and my parents will be waiting in a while!"

Mu Wenhao glanced at her with a half-smile.

"Now I know I'm anxious. I didn't know who insisted on pulling me out just now."

"Let's go~~ let's go~~~"

Pomegranate dragged him directly, and went to report the situation to Mrs. Xiaomu...

Besides, the three of Mu Si and his party left the village, Mu Weichen and Bo Yifei resigned directly from Mu Si, and parted ways since then.

Mu Weichen and Bo Yifei took Shilipo, while Mu Si went straight to Tianshui Town.

After finding a wine shop and drinking loose wine, Mu Si rushed to Zuixianlou.

As soon as he arrived, he was stopped by Xiao Cui.

"Why did you come here so soon? Hurry up, miss is waiting impatiently!"


Musi responded twice quickly, letting Xiaocui lead the way, while he drove the ox cart behind.

Passing through a side alley that could barely pass a bullock cart, I saw Xiao Cui trotting past the carriage in front of me.

Mudan was standing beside the carriage, but she was wearing the same men's clothes that she saw Mu Si that day.

"Miss, Mu Si is here."

Xiao Cui took a few breaths, but didn't add the girl behind Mu Si.

After all, Mu Si has always been dressed in bunts, and it is inconvenient to go in and out of Zuixian Tower frequently. The lady forbids her to reveal Mu Si's identity, so as not to bring trouble to her.

Mudan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, hurriedly walked up two steps, and said to Mu Si excitedly.

"I didn't know you were coming until today. I only knew that you were righteous before, but now I know that you are so righteous. With you taking care of Lili, I can rest assured."

She was used to being bullied by Peony, but she couldn't get used to some nasty soft words suddenly.

"That's right, don't give me this set, I'm here to earn money. Have you seen this cart of wine? Buy it now, 50 taels! Come on, come on, money~~~"

Mu Si had a grumpy face, rubbed his fingers together, as if asking for money.

"How can 50 taels be enough? I think this car is worth 100 taels at least!"

As he spoke, he gave Xiao Cui'er a wink.

Xiao Cui'er glanced at her lady anxiously, she was always bargaining in business, but her lady was so good, she doubled her price.

Just like that, it was still too late, and Shengsheng asked the young lady to stand here for a while.

It's just that Miss Li Ji and that rotten ass of Sunflower were watching in the carriage, and Xiao Cui'er couldn't let her own lady face her.

Not reconciled, reluctantly dawdled and took out the 100 taels of silver.


Yes, yes, the mouth is so pouted that it can hang a bottle of oil.

Mu Si was not polite, and directly put the bank note in his arms.

Which of these people is not richer than yourself?

This time she went, she was there to 'prevent a disaster' for Li Ji in name, and Mudan was giving her 'life money', so Musi could certainly afford it.

It's just that it was already planned, no matter whether the money is given or not, she will go this trip.

Mudan is a rare person of benevolence and righteousness.

"It's getting late today. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave. If we miss something, what will happen?"

The cool sound of sunflowers came from the carriage, and Peony sent her a big white eye directly across the carriage.

"Everything is careful."

(End of this chapter)

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