The shrew of time travel

Chapter 323 Shameless, but also capable!

Chapter 323 Shameless, but also capable!

Looking at Li Ji again, it's all like this, she is still as stable as Mount Tai, and she is even more angry.

"Hmph! A lifeless thing!"

But for some reason, Sunflower glanced at Li Ji up and down, and saw that she was tightly wrapped, and suddenly laughed evilly, what's the use of being tightly wrapped now?

As long as she is a moment later, the clothes made by King Kong will look like paper in front of those men who are like wolves and tigers?
"Didn't you hear what Jun Ye said? Miss Oiran~~, let's get out of the car~~"

Gazing at Li Ji, she helped the golden hairpin on her head, twisted her waist, and went down first.

Li Ji just watched her coldly without opening her mouth. When she saw her get off the car, she got up and followed behind.

"Yo! Master Jun, the little girl is being polite~~~~"

After getting out of the car, Sunflower immediately changed her face, and fixed her eyes on Qin Huai's appearance, she was actually a bit more handsome than Mu Feng.

Coupled with that figure... The smile on Sunflower's face suddenly became less forced and more genuine.

The tangy aroma is simply disgusting, but just thinking about what the military teacher said, the smile on Xiao Tian's face remained unchanged.

Qin Huai in the distance spoke directly.

"This kind of vulgar fans are allotted to the military division to perform dances! Hmph!"

The undisguised disgust was vividly expressed by Qin Huai's expression.

Sunflower didn't care, a gust of fragrant wind blew by, and people 'floated' to Qin Huai.

"Mr. Jun thinks that the little girl is a vulgar fan. She has never tasted the taste of a woman... I don't know the sweetness of a woman~~~"

Sitting on the bullock cart, Mu Si was almost knocked off the cart by her words.

This woman is really...

Before Mu Si had time to comment, he heard Qin Huai throw out a sentence in a low voice.


"Haha, haha, haha..."

Mu Si couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

This sunflower is really... cheap!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

It's good that Mu Si didn't smile, but with this smile, even Li Ji couldn't help showing a small face.

Xiao Tian was holding back even harder, Emma, ​​she must have had enough laughs later!

"Who? Who's laughing?! Musi! You bitch!!!"

Bai had a good face, but it turned out to be an elm lump, and Sunflower Zizai was annoyed.

Unparalleled regret that I didn't kill her on the way just now!

Forget it, let her live for a while longer, let her die in Li Ji's hands, it is better than her death in his own hands...

Thinking this way, Sunflower put out the fire again.

Don't you know that her sound reminded the military master again that this is Mu Si.

That's the future princess!
Xiao Tian knew it well, but the master gave the order!
After the sunflower in that box had finished making waves, she couldn't play anymore, twisted her waist and came back again.

"Master Jun, it's getting late. If we don't go in again, we won't be able to bear the blame from the military division after a while..."

Mu Si watched from behind, feeling embarrassed that this sunflower, who is also a killer and whatnot, has not yet had a split personality, which is also a skill.

Oh oh oh, especially this shameless ability, it is simply invincible!

When Xiao Tian heard this, he knew that this woman had finished all her troubles.

"Well, let's go in..."

"Xie Junye, Junye is really reasonable~~~"

Speaking of Sunflower, she even cast a wink at Xiao Tian, ​​almost making Xiao Tian spit out the last night's meal.

Sunflower walked in front, and Li Ji followed.

Mu Si saw that the opening scene was finally over, and with a tug on the rein in his hand, the big ox slowly followed.

"Wait! You can't enter this bullock cart!"

Unexpectedly Xiao Tian stood in the road and yelled loudly, actually stopped Mu Si's ox cart.

(End of this chapter)

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