Chapter 326

Looking up at Sunflower, she saw that the soldier leading the way had stopped at some point, and was looking at her solemnly.

"Several people came to the barracks to perform dances. Our military adviser is very grateful for your merits. It's just the behavior of this girl just now, which makes me very suspicious of your sincerity!"

As he said that, a stern look flashed across the soldier's eyes. If he had read correctly just now, this woman wanted to attack the princess just now.

Although the military adviser had ordered to lure her into the trap, since she wanted to die so much, now that he was yelling, he couldn't believe he couldn't hold her!
Thinking in this way, the soldier's face was filled with a murderous air.

"Master Jun, this is a misunderstanding. It's normal for women to have unhappy things... Hehe, it's normal..."

If today's mission fails because of her, then... Thinking of the possible outcome, Sunflower's face turned pale, and she hastily defended herself.

"It's fine if it's just a misunderstanding. The military camp is important. If something happens that offends the military division...don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Tong Ling's big eyes stared, revealing a bit of cruelty.

Although he said this to everyone, his eyes were on Sunflower.

"Thank you, Lord Jun, I dare not."

Xu Shi was still terrified of what happened just now, but Sunflower actually blessed the soldier at this moment, and even the whole person looked a lot more solemn.


The soldier was a little satisfied now, let out a snort, and then turned around and led the way.

With this episode, Sunflower is not as active as before.

Walking on the road, without saying a word, even the sound of walking became softer.

However, through the vast darkness, Mu Si could still clearly feel Sunflower's hateful gaze behind him, wishing to tear her to pieces.

Apparently, Mu Si's two provocations had pushed Aoi to the brink of collapse.

If it wasn't forced by the situation, Mu Si had no doubt that she would rush over and break his neck immediately.

Feeling a little guilty, Mu Si felt that he should not provoke her for the time being.

Although not afraid of her.But looking for something to do if there is nothing to do, isn't this enough to support you?
After another dozen steps, the soldier stopped.

"You guys just rest here for a while, and I'll bring the wine. If the military master knows that there is wine, he must be very happy. The military master is notorious for drinking and drinking!"

The soldier smiled honestly, and then he spoke.

Mu Si also smiled when he said this, but he loves to drink?

Back then, she got a lot of talk from Mr. Hua about those two jars of rice wine.

Even Sunflower couldn't help but twitched the corners of her lips. Who would have thought that the famous magician is not invulnerable.

If the wine in the car got into those people's stomachs today, it would save her a lot of trouble.

This Mu seems that it is not completely useless...

After thinking about it for a while, although he didn't say that the past suspicions were completely resolved, he didn't hate Mu Si as much as he did just now.

"It's Mr. Laojun."

Seeing that Sunflower, who was always attentive, was slacking off at this moment, Li Ji hurriedly thanked her, which saved her from the embarrassment of being cold.

"It's okay. By the way, this little brother shouldn't need to perform a dance, right? Since you are familiar with this cow, why don't you come with me and send this cart of wine to the military division."

The soldier didn't think much about it, he just racked his brains, he was thinking about how to take Mu Si away in a legitimate way.

It's a pity that although he did it without showing any traces, Sunflower refused to let Mu Si go like this.

"Forgive me, Jun. This child is my mother's own nephew. Before going out, I told us to take care of him. Don't dare to look away, for fear that my mother will go back and punish me."

The soldier's eyes fell on Sunflower again, and he became more and more sure that this was the woman the military adviser had mentioned.

After staring at her for a while, he spoke slowly.

"Since it is mother's nephew, then please ask the girl to take care of him. Presumably the girl said that her nephew is 'looking for death' to the ears of Zuixianlou's mother, and I am afraid that she will not be happy." ..."

(End of this chapter)

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