The shrew of time travel

Chapter 328 Toast!

Chapter 328 Toast!

"Since you're here to perform a dance, don't be so polite. There are beauties from Yuezhou, and seeing them today really deserves their reputation."

Hua Feng stroked his beard, his expression narrowed, and he seemed to be quite pleased.

Tsk tsk, the color makes you dizzy!Old man Hua, I didn't see it!

Mu Si swears, continue to look at the nose with the eyes, the mouth with the nose, and the heart with the mouth, and put wood...

"Your Excellency, I am honored. Your name has been heard all over the world. Seeing it now, it is true that 'there is no one worthy of fame'."

Now it was Li Ji who spoke.

Without him, as the top card of Zuixianlou, the person with the highest status in the trio would naturally speak up.

As for just now, it was just that Sunflower took the opportunity to break the rules when she didn't see Huafeng.

"Be polite, I don't want the girl to be beautiful, sweet-mouthed, and very thoughtful. Speaking of which, the old man is addicted to alcohol. Today, Zuixianlou specially sent wine over, which really made the old man feel deeply. You must have a drink together today, so that you can express yourself Old age gratitude!"

Hua Feng's face was moved, what he said seemed to be true...

As soon as Huafeng said this, Xiao Tian had already brought three soldiers up there.

Sunflower frowned slightly, why did she feel something was wrong?

"Don't be offended by the three. There is no wine in the military camp. I took the wine from Zuixianlou to worship the people in Zuixianlou. I have to borrow flowers to present Buddha. The three who presented the wine are young generals with military merits. It is also grateful to offer wine to the three. Condolences to all three."

Saying it like this saved the face of the two of them.

The three of them bowed their heads in response, feeling aggrieved in their hearts.

No matter how you perform dances and condolences, they are also the sisters in the building. The military division is getting more and more confused. If you ask them to offer wine today, you don't know what will happen tomorrow.

It was actually bought by such a carload of wine.

Thinking about it like this made him even more aggrieved. You must know that the wine has nothing to do with the brothers. The rules in the barracks prohibit soldiers from drinking alcohol.

Military division Dudu is a special case, even the prince turned a blind eye to it.

The slander of the three made Sunflower proud.

If it wasn't for Li Ji stepping on her head, she would have jumped up happily.

She has always been a pincher, but this time she got over her addiction.

"Come, let's drink together... drink together..."

While talking, Hua Feng already raised his glass and drank it.

Li Ji and Mu Sizi were also unambiguous, picked up the wine glass and poured it into their mouths.

Mu Si rolled his eyes, "Sunflower, why don't you drink it? Are you guilty of guilt?"

"Bitch, what nonsense are you talking about? Why should I be guilty?!"

Sunflower turned her head in an instant, and the bastard spoke up, there must be something wrong!
"Hey~~~, you prepared this wine. It's unknown if you did something wrong! Otherwise, why don't you dare to drink it?"

Mu Si had provoked her anger a few times before, but now she directly slandered her, and Sunflower immediately became furious.

She was going to do tricks, but the show hadn't started yet, what a fart she was!

When Jing Musi yelled like this, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Sunflower.

Just now their army division was drunk!
"Who said I dare not drink?!"

For a while, a good toast turned into being forced to drink to prove his innocence.

This wine is really depressing.

It's just that when it comes to this, I have to drink it.

After all, as soon as he raised his head, he drank the wine.

"Girl Sunflower is really a hero among girls, I am ashamed of myself."

Seeing that the sunflower wine had been drunk, Hua Feng finally spoke again.

"Excuse me, my lord, since you've already drank the wine, then hurry up and perform the dance. After all, you've drank all the wine, and you haven't performed the dance, so it doesn't make sense..."

Sunflower said something meaningful, and laughed wantonly in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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