The shrew of time travel

Chapter 342 This Man Is Mulianer

Chapter 342 This Man Is Mulianer
Along the way, Yan Kuan never stopped.

"Master, it's a good thing we slipped fast! Look at those officers and soldiers! If you slow down so much, we might go to the prison to shelter from the rain right now!"

Yan Liu'er had always looked down on Yan Kuan's IQ, so he certainly looked down on him now.

It's just that the group of officers and soldiers just now really frightened him a lot, but now he wants to say a few more words to relieve the fear in his heart.

"If you don't come sooner or later, you'll come at this time! He's the one who troubled me!"

Yan Liu'er rolled his eyes while holding the umbrella, which is too exalted.

He is such a bastard who still needs to send out the army?

"What the young master said is that the rain is getting heavier and heavier, so let's hurry back to our place!"

"Hui Hui Hui! Damn it, if I knew it, I would have gone to Yihong Courtyard!"

There was such a wave of impatience mixed in the tone, full of resentment that was forced out of the gentle village.

"Master... did you hear anything?"

Yan Liu'er thought in his heart that it was really troublesome, and when he asked this question, his eyes had already caught sight of the woman hugging her shoulders and crying under the tree.

"What's that voice?! Yan Liu'er, let me tell you, don't think that you will be unscrupulous with my father backing you up! Now you are getting more and more courageous, and you are scaring me, young master, at night! "

Just came back from the Zuixian building, Yan Kuan still felt that he was still in shock, and even told ghost stories in this cloudy and rainy day.

If he hadn't been pointing to him as a companion right now, Yan Kuanfei would have gone up and punched him to let him know why the flowers are so popular!

"No...there is a voice..."

Yan Liu'er didn't expect to hear the words "you have my father backing you" from Yan Kuan's mouth, and his heart softened immediately, but he didn't go out of his way to confront him.

The two moved closer to the figure, now even Yan Kuan heard it.

"Fuck! I miss women, God doesn't need to send a female ghost to comfort me! Liu'er, did I do too many good things in my previous life, which makes God miss you so much?!"

Yan Liu'er was speechless for a while, is there a more stupid and narcissistic young master than this in the world?
Did you do too many good things in your previous life?He dared to say this, and he was not afraid of being struck to death by a lightning strike.

"Master, I can see clearly... there is a shadow, it is a person..."

Even though he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Yan Liu'er had to face things like 'luck' right now.

Didn't he just come up with whatever he wanted, something that didn't work out in the Zuixian Tower just now... Hehe, this woman has come to her door, do you still expect Yan Kuan to show mercy?
"Yan Liuer, I take back what I just said. Sure enough, I am too mean to you, Master. Starting today, your monthly bill will increase by another [-] cent!"

Staring straight at the figure on the ground, Yan Kuan wished that there would be light in his eyes.

Grass!Cooperating with him is worth a penny!
But this matter has come to this point, Yan Liu'er knows that no matter what happens, this person will not be able to escape today.

Simply, let nature take its course!

"Hey, thank you, master!"

"Why are you still standing there? It's raining heavily, and this girl is drenched here alone, why don't you hurry up and invite her into the house? Why don't you know how to be sympathetic at all?"

Well, the co-author just said that he was too mean to him was just kidding!
In the blink of an eye, the shit bowl was just like that!
"Master, this... this person is Mu Lianer!"

(End of this chapter)

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