The shrew of time travel

Chapter 355 Hey, Unjustly Died

Chapter 355 Hey, Unjustly Died
Mudan and the two had no objection, and the three hit it off immediately and went to the teahouse.

When he arrived at the teahouse, Mu Si asked for a private room, inspected it carefully, and then closed the door again.

Seeing that both of them were already seated, Mu Si was not polite, so he took the stool and sat down directly.

"Peony, what are your plans for the future?"

Since he had already made up his mind to send Peony away, Mu Si didn't intend to write any more ink, and immediately got straight to the point.


Peony was a little confused by Mu Si's question.

Mu Si patted his forehead, and was only concerned about sending her away, but he forgot that she had been locked up in prison all this time, so he must not know anything about the outside world.

"The Zuixian Tower has been closed, and the bustard's mother is dead. According to the investigation by the government, the bustard of the Zuixian Tower used improper means to force her into prostitution. Bastards, now, you are free."

Looking at the two people who still looked confused, Mu Si kept tapping the rim of the teacup with his fingers.

Secretly thinking about how to persuade Peony to leave.

"Miss, we are free! We are free!"

Mu Si's words made Xiaocui cheer instantly, after all these years, she never thought that she could go out innocently.


Peony opened her mouth slightly, and the tears fell down like beads.

It was the first time Mu Si had seen her cry, and Mu Dan, who was so carefree in her heart, actually cried so beautifully.

It wasn't crying, but the joy of suffering and the short-term confusion after being rescued from a desperate situation left her heart with nowhere to fall back on for a while, and tears dripped down on the table.

For a long time, when Mu Si thought that today's conversation was about to be shelved, Mudan wiped the tears off her face, revealing her original pride.

"I want to do business with you, how? Are you willing to take me in?!"

Domineering and rascal, Peony looked at Mu Si cautiously with a ruffian face.

The unexpected answer gave Mu Si a headache.

"Don't you want to hide your name and start over in a place where you don't know yourself?"

"Miss, what do I say?! She is simply unreliable. She doesn't want to be dragged down by us. Why do we make things difficult for her like this?!"

The guilt of the slip of the tongue just now was wiped away by Mu Si's words in an instant, and Xiao Cui immediately complained, with an indignant expression on her face.

"Xiao Cui!"

Mudan didn't make any more accusations, mainly because she could see that Mu Si really didn't want her to do business together.

Although I know it's human nature, I'm still extremely disappointed in my heart.

"Our identities were originally poor, and now even if we get rid of our lowly status, we can't change the fact that we have fallen into prostitutes. Since Miss Mu Si is inconvenient, we are also inconvenient to bother."

She said this more politely than Xiaocui, but also more alienated.

"Bah! Who is it?! It's not as good as the girl in the brothel! At least the girl in the brothel won't come here. She is good enough to deceive the young lady's feelings. When we are good, we will say all the good things. Sister Tiantian is older and sister is shorter. In a blink of an eye, we are down and out, and they want to drive us out of our hometown! Miss, let's go, even if we starve to death, we will not associate with this kind of white-eyed wolf! Rely on her, maybe she will be missing in the future! Yinzi, you sold us!"

Xiao Cui'er immediately spat at Mu Si, she actually regarded Mu Si as a heartless person.

Mudan didn't say anything this time, she just grabbed her thin baggage and stood up, as if she was about to leave.

I guess this is the default...

(End of this chapter)

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