Chapter 359
Mu Feng suddenly turned around, "You told her that?!"

"Ah, don't say that! Son, listen to me, mother understands that Mu Lian'er is useless! You can't rely on her for such a small matter, tell me What else do you want her for? Not to mention she spent so much money..."

Speaking of it, Mrs. Mu felt that this was really a tear of bitterness, and she will not talk about how much she was angry with this girl before.

Those silver coins will never come back.

"Confused! It's because she spent so much money that she can't just go away like this! The money has been spent, so we have to find a way to get it back from her! This person is lost, isn't it a waste of money? Confused!! You go back now, if Mu Lianer comes back, you must do everything possible to keep her. Alright, you pack up and go back, I will find a way."

After scolding Mu Shi, Mu Feng felt as if nothing had changed, Mu Feng was still the original Mu Feng.

"Hey... hey... I'll go back... I'll go back..."

After what Mu Feng said, Mrs. Mu also felt that she was really confused, but it wasn't that the money hadn't been recovered yet.

Even that lowly girl Mu Xiu'e sold it for five taels of silver, Mu Lian'er who was pampered by her usually had to sell it for ten taels of silver...

Seeing that she agreed, Mu Feng didn't stay any longer, the urgent task was not these chores.

Jiang Fanyin, that old man, has a bad temper and a hard temper, but he still keeps his words.

Right now, his reputation is temporarily preserved, but the news of his dropout will spread to the village sooner or later.

He must hurry up and find a way to stay.

However, no matter what the method is, it is always necessary to use money... The place to get money is naturally—Zuixian Tower!

After thinking about it back and forth, I made sure that there was nothing left behind, so I tidied up and went out.

However, although his plan was good, he didn't know that Zuixian Tower had already been defeated overnight...

He hurried out without meeting a single acquaintance on the way.

It's no wonder that it's time for the students to go to class.

This journey, Mu Feng was both lucky and worried.

However, as the saying goes, "Fortune never comes in pairs, misfortunes never come singly", Mu Feng had just left the gate of the academy, and was suddenly grabbed and dragged into a corner.

This person is the woman who inquired with the second brother in front of the teahouse.

Mu Feng had such an unlucky life for the past two days, and being caught suddenly by someone made him feel as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Just about to get angry, but swallowed it again, Wuhe, he found that the disheveled woman in front of him was Xiao Xing'er next to Sunflower!
"Why are you here now?"

Seeing Xiao Xing'er's dilapidated body, Mu Feng frowned suddenly.

There was a faint smell on her body, which made Mu Feng frowned even more.

"My lord, save me... My lord, help me!"

Xiao Xing'er also knew her current situation, and immediately knelt down to Mu Feng.

"What's going on? Let's talk about it..."

Mu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

"My lord, Miss is gone... The Zuixian Tower is gone too..."

Xiao Xing'er looked at Mu Feng in front of her, as if looking at a god.

Mu Feng's eyebrows twitched, and he was shocked.

Now that he has just been expelled from the academy, the sunflower has already been regarded as a life-saving straw by him, but this has not saved him, it is gone first! ! !
It's really a leaky house and it rains every night, it doesn't stop for a moment!
(End of this chapter)

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