The shrew of time travel

Chapter 361 This loss, was it for nothing?

Chapter 361 This loss, was it for nothing?


Xiao Xing'er cried out sadly, as if the lost chick finally returned to her mother's embrace.

Mu Feng was a little numbed by this shout, which aroused some old feelings.

In any case, she was also the woman he had longed for before.

Even though she is a bit down at the moment, a woman is still that woman, isn't she?

Not to mention that Sunflower is dead, it is not easy to find another woman all of a sudden, seeing Xiao Xinger come to the door by herself, it would be strange if he could let it go...

"Myolie, I have wronged you..."

He yelled Qu Qu for Xiao Xing'er, but his hand was not idle at all, and in the blink of an eye, he stripped off her clothes.

After all, he is used to staying in the Zuixian Building, even if he has a little relationship with Mu Feng on weekdays, even if he didn't make it to the last step, there is really no shortage of such things as experience...

Opening his mouth slightly, he murmured, Young Master, that person was already emotionally moved, but now the voice was more like a catalyst, directly making Mu Feng's lust reach its peak.

The two of them accomplished their good deeds in this ruined temple, and it was really you and me.

Tsk tsk, I don't know what the Bodhisattvas in this temple would think when they saw this scene.

However, the Bodhisattva has never seen anything, even if he really saw it, he would think it was just a fight between two skeletons...

In this matter of men and women, I have to say that Mu Feng and Mu Lian'er brothers and sisters have the same views, they are both masters who use their bodies as bargaining chips.

Let's say that taking advantage of the heavy rain last night, it doesn't matter if it's a coincidence or a half push and a half.

After all, Mu Lian'er had the most joy that night, and completely entrusted herself to Yan Kuan.

But what Yan Kuan thinks, it's hard to say...

"You girl is really good at pleasing me. It doesn't look good, but it's really comfortable..."

It was dawn on the second day, and the two of them were still lying on the bed, so Yan Liu'er simply asked Yan Kuan for leave.

After all, he came in with money, and no one expected him to get a good name in the exam, did he?

After a night of spring night, Mu Lian'er had already lost her girlish innocence and quickly adapted to her new identity and status.

He didn't feel ashamed at the moment, instead of avoiding it, he turned over and pressed half on Yan Kuan's chest.

Putting his left hand on the pillow to borrow some strength, he stretched out a finger with his right hand to point at Shang Yankuan's lips.

"Really comfortable?"

Mu Lian'er's fingers moved little by little, approaching and retreating, if there seemed to be nothing, tsk tsk, that was like a refusal to welcome.


Yan Kuan didn't even open his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he grabbed Mu Lian'er's fingers with his hands.

"Then Mr. Yan, have you thought about when to go home to propose marriage?"

The still charming and lazy voice was even sweeter than before.

But it directly caused the charming atmosphere just now to disappear.

Yan Kuan, who had closed his eyes just now with a look of enjoyment, suddenly opened them, "Did you make a mistake? Did I ever say that I wanted to marry you?"

Mu Lian'er got up from Yan Kuan with a look of disbelief.

"What... what do you mean?"

Looking at the stupid woman in front of him, Yan Kuan couldn't help laughing.

"Ha, what do you mean? Isn't it the literal meaning? Didn't you throw yourself into my young master's arms last night?"

If Mu Lian'er was wondering if Yan Kuan was joking just now, now she finally took Yan Kuan's words seriously.

The situation last night was too chaotic, how could she explain clearly, what's more, now that this is the situation, what's the point of entangled in what is right and what is wrong?
If Yan Kuan had no intention of marrying him at all, then wouldn't this loss be in vain?
(End of this chapter)

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