The shrew of time travel

Chapter 363 Secret

Chapter 363 Secret
In the past, Mu Feng thought that she still had some brains because of the way she used to hang herself.

Otherwise, once a woman goes through that kind of thing, she becomes a fool.

Thinking about it like this, Mu Feng figured out some reason, isn't that the case, how about sunflowers?
Usually he is shrewd and tight, but since he conquered people on the bed, hasn't he been 'obedient' to him?Naturally, this is inseparable from his painstaking efforts, but without the help of that kind of thing, no matter how hard he tries, it's still far from it, isn't it?
Xing'er lying beside her is a ready-made example, how was it before, and what is it like now?
Isn't it obvious...

After thinking about it like this, he actually forgot about answering Xiao Xing'er.

Mu Feng was fine, but Xiao Xing'er panicked.

He suddenly remembered that he was not in Zuixianlou, and his body had already been given to Mu Feng, so he had to rely on him for the rest of the day!
Seeing that Mu Feng refused to answer now, he thought that his words were too aggressive just now, which annoyed him, and he was afraid for a while.

Before Mu Feng came to coax her, she turned her head around and poked several times on Mu Feng's chest with her slender fingers.

"But angry? Isn't it because of you? You are heartless, you will only hurt others' hearts..."

Mu Feng was tickled by her, but more felt was the impact of her attitude change.

These actions confirmed Mu Feng's conjecture more and more, but she still had to get words out of her mouth, not to mention, since she followed him just now, she had to give some sweetness first, so as to make her determined.

Mu Feng immediately pinched her nose, and then said with a smile, "Aren't you looking for anger yourself? How many people did Sunflower sleep with before she followed me, how can it compare to you, keep the best The friendship you gave me? If you insist on mentioning it now, it’s also because of the secret of that day.”

When Xiao Xing'er heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little proud, after all, Sunflower was the old master who had been over her head in the past, so this feeling of satisfaction was even more than usual.

But hearing him mention that secret again, he couldn't help but frown slightly, and his heart fell on him.

"What secret?!"

Mu Feng thought to himself, if he knows that he still needs to trick you here!

She was disdainful in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. When she opened her mouth again, her brows frowned first.

"I can't explain clearly... At that time, I vaguely knew that she didn't take human life seriously, and I felt vigilant in my heart. I also thought that she had been at odds with Peony in the past, and wanted to test whether she really had the ability to do that day, but she was just vague. Resignation, saying that Peony is used by her to restrain others, and she can't move..."

Putting it this way, Xiao Xing'er really grasped something vaguely.

"If you put it this way, that Mudan's identity is really important. Last night, all the girls in Zuixianlou were imprisoned. They were originally sisters in the building. The pawns in the prison also have guests of Zuixianlou on weekdays. Only Zuixianlou is a cave of selling gold, and idlers can't afford to go there. One of them got convenience yesterday, and these one and two couldn't hold back, no matter the girls and girls, they would all be tossed to death. If I hadn't pretended to be crazy and foolish, I was standing next to the Gong barrel They kept rolling around, fearing that nothing could break their thoughts. But...the master and servant of Mudan Xiaocui were called out alone, and met at the gate of the yamen this morning. Both of them were neatly dressed, even their hair It's not messed up at all, but my face is a little haggard, and it's just because I didn't sleep last night..."

(End of this chapter)

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