The shrew of time travel

Chapter 380 Indignant

Chapter 380 Indignant
Besides, when Mu Feng went back to An Jingxuan's place, he hurriedly explained the situation, and said goodbye to go home.

Mu Feng felt that it was a certainty to go back to the academy, how could he be full of complacency in that mood.

Although it took some setbacks this time, the result was still unsatisfactory.

Mu Lian'er is really her own sister, she was able to 'know the foretelling', knowing that Sunflower was dead, he was short of money, and unexpectedly hired Yan Kuan, a rich young man.

It's ridiculous that Yan Kuan still expects him to be "on the saddle and back on the horse", he really wants to look up to the sky and laugh three times to express his joy.

But he is Mu Feng after all, he will not do such outrageous things, but he just prepared some thin wine, tsk tsk, it is really thin.

After going to Yan Kuan's for a while, there will be no shortage of money in the future, but it will be "in the future" after all, and now his little money is almost bottomed out, so he has to find a way.

But he did not forget what Yan Kuan said, this month's food and drink should be taken care of by him, tsk tsk, as the saying goes, 'If you want to take it, you must first give it', he thought about this matter clearly, and he did it smoothly.

Sure enough, I still need silver...

However, after thinking about it again, "the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge", silver is a magic horse!There is nothing Mu Feng can't do without him! ! !
Yes, there is wine tonight and drunk tonight!
"Mom, I'm back!"

Rarely in a good mood, Mu Feng entered the door and called mother.

Mrs. Mu was very happy to hear it in the room, and he said "my son", and he slipped out.

Xiao Xing'er had a good night's sleep, but now she was woken up by his voice.

Sitting up from the kang, just about to get off the kang to put on shoes, her feet were almost on the top of the shoes, but she suddenly saw her white and greasy body under her belly pocket, she didn't know what to think, Xiao Xing'er put her feet on her I took it back again.

"Cousin~~~, you are back? Is it you?"

That slightly hoarse voice is mixed with a little charm, which just makes people think about it.

In the yard, Mu Feng remembered that there was another person like Xing'er in his family, and he felt even better.

"Mother, you take this to the kitchen to clean it up. Let's have a drink in a while!"

"Hey, good good!"

Mrs. Mu was in a hurry to respond, but the matter of Mu Lian'er was not even mentioned.

No, she just didn't even think about it, she just forgot about it...

Seeing that Mu Feng is both wine and meat, I am already happy!

Her son, can't go wrong!
But Mu Feng didn't know that his mother had so many thoughts, he was talking to Mrs. Mu right now, but his eyes went straight to the room where Xiao Xing'er was sleeping, his heart had already flown there.

"Mom, go ahead and call me after dinner."

Said that the person has already strode back to the room.

Mrs. Mu woke up now, she was going to find Xiao Xing'er.

Hmph, it is said that after marrying a daughter-in-law, one forgets one's mother, but now that she is still unmarried, her mother has been left aside.

Pity her for finally looking forward to her son's return home, and before she could say a word, she was abducted by that little whore.

Little whore!Bitch!See how I deal with you in the future!
After cursing bitterly in my heart, I felt more comfortable, and took the food and wine to the kitchen.

Suddenly Mrs. Mu paused, thinking of the village head's demolition of the house, he gained confidence, hurriedly put the wine and vegetables in the kitchen, and walked towards Mu Feng's house again.

Before entering the room, I heard Xiao Xing'er's voice from inside the room.

"Young master, is Nujia beautiful?"


"Where is the beauty?"

"It's beautiful's beautiful's beautiful here too..."

Mu Feng kissed and said something, which only made Xiao Xing'er giggle.

"Young master, you are so bad!"

"If the young master is not bad, Xiao Xing'er will like it? I haven't seen you for a day, but the young master misses you to death..."

Mrs. Mu was listening outside the door, almost tore the rag in her hand, you little whore!Net will hook up with her son!

(End of this chapter)

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