The shrew of time travel

Chapter 387 Aggrieved, I am the village chief!

Chapter 387 Aggrieved, I am the village chief!

Mu's middle finger pointed, and the long-lost "let the third sleep with you" immediately overwhelmed Xiao Mu's blow, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to say another word. Like that, he almost fell to the ground.

"Third brother, just say something, the rest of the matter, with your mother around, you can't suffer!"

Mrs. Mu acted as if I was your mother and I would not lie to you.

However, Mu Shuan was still timid. Although the balance had already shifted to Mu's side, he still didn't dare to say a word.

Mu's eyeballs rolled a few times, and it was understood, this son has always been this kind of virtue, if he doesn't want to say it, then he can't beat a fart with eight sticks!
"If you don't, just nod if you agree, and I will do the rest!"

As he said that, Mu's chest slapped, and he immediately took care of everything.

Sure enough, after a short time, the end of the wooden peg nodded almost imperceptibly.

Seeing it, Mrs. Mu was very satisfied, it is worthwhile for her to waste so much time talking and wasting so much saliva.

She took care of the rest of the matter, and no one else could interfere with the matter of money!
Now that he got the right words, he turned his head this time and swaggered out of the door. As for the wimpy son on the bed and the irritated daughter-in-law on the ground, Mrs. Mu didn't even look at it.

If it was the fourth brother's idea, then it was justified, and now she wanted to see what the village chief had to say!
Walking swaggeringly outside the house, Mu's face looked like a villain, and before he could speak, Cui Yuren's face was already bitter.

Mu’s loudspeaker, although he didn’t know what Mu Shuan said, everyone could hear Mu’s words clearly, and seeing that Mu had come to the door with a proud face, what did Mu Shuan say? It doesn't matter anymore.

"The village head, the third child has already explained, I have the final say on the matter of this house! Let's talk about the price now?"

The agreed house is a wooded retirement house?Didn't you say that you will not sell it if you live or die?

What the hell is this talk about price?

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, what they said to Mu Shuan before co-authoring was to deceive people, fortunately they felt that although Mu's words were ugly, they seemed to have some truth.

After all, Mu Si is a girl, so what will happen to my uncle in the future is something that cannot be determined.

As a result... Well, as soon as he left the main room, Mu's true colors were revealed.

What father and son, this silver is her own son!

"How much do you want?"

In desperation, Cui Yuren had no choice but to speak, after all, it was specially ordered by the military men, no matter how difficult it was, it had to be done!
While speaking, Cui Yuren was ready to be slaughtered.

However, he underestimated Mu's greed.

Just now, he said, "Military men specially told you to stay closer to Mu's house" but she heard it clearly, now it's how much she wants, this is also what the above said, and Cui Yuren didn't have the courage to change it. change.

Having thought about it in his heart, Mrs. Mu directly opened his mouth, and immediately stretched out a palm, "This number!"

With that smug look on her face, she wished someone could go up and slap her.

At this moment, Cui Yuren's face stretched longer than a horse in an instant, and he thought in his heart that if he went back to persuade his daughter, this marriage would be forgotten.

He has lived half his life, when was he forced into this position by a scoundrel?

The countless ugly times were all given by members of the Mu family. It wasn't once or twice that he lost face or something.

Seeing that Cui Yuren was speechless for a long time, everyone became anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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