The shrew of time travel

Chapter 391 Do You Must Kill All?

Chapter 391 Do You Must Kill All?

Mu Si's domineering look immediately made Cui Yuren nervous.

"Hey~~~, you can't, you can't, how can you say that Mr. Hua is also an official of the court. It's fine if you beg for mercy, and you must not make mistakes..."

Cui Yuren was agitated all over, and he was afraid that Mu Si would make a mistake that would cause him eternal hatred, so he tried to persuade him instead.

"Hehe, don't make mistakes, don't make can you make mistakes casually..."

Mu Si laughed dryly, but he wondered what the village chief would think if he knew that Mr. Hua knelt down for him that day...

"Good, good, good! The fourth girl is promising! We have hope in Shuiyu Village!"

Cui Yuren looked at Mu Si with a gratified smile on his face.

Mu Si's mood at this time is complicated, expecting something, is it a little bit like a girl doll to her... But think about the village chief's uncle who just received a bunch of critical blows, well, just be happy ...

"Then this house..."

"Listen to you, don't buy it!"

Cui Yuren is not a fool, isn't this girl Mu Si talking about all this just to dispel his doubts?
Now that his worries are gone, he is happy to make a decision.

This time Mrs. Mu was dumbfounded, she was fine just now, seeing that she was about to get the 50 taels of silver, how could it be gone in the blink of an eye? ! !

"Hey!!! We have agreed, the house has been sold to the village, the village chief, you can't go back on your word!!"

Mrs. Mu hurriedly roared, but she had caused public outrage just now, and everyone hadn't troubled her yet, but at this moment she came out shamelessly and stinky.

How can everyone tolerate her? !
"Oh~~~? Which ear did you hear that the village chief agreed? 50 taels of silver, you are really not afraid of breaking your teeth! Don't say that the village chief does not agree, even if the village chief agrees, the villagers can't agree! The folks said, didn’t they?!”

Mu Si has already noticed everyone's attitude, she has always been able to use her brain to solve the problem without any trouble, and the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, Mu's death is at her own risk, and she really can't blame others.

"I can't answer!"

"I can't answer!"

Mu Si's words successfully aroused everyone's anger again, this old hag is really not a thing!
If the village chief hadn't stopped her just now, she thought she could be so rampant until now?
Mu Si slightly waved his hand towards the crowd.

Everyone immediately quieted down. You must know that after this incident, Mu Si's prestige in the village has almost reached that of Cui Yuren.

If it wasn't for Cui Yuren's long-standing prestige in the village, it would not be impossible for Mu Si to replace him, but that's all Mu Si didn't intend to do.

"Did you see? The eyes of the masses are discerning, you should die as soon as possible... Oh, yes, by the way, the land you are standing on is mine... nothing important If so, you can go..."

Seeing Mu's furious look, Mu Si was really in a good mood. Speaking of which, she had to thank her. If she hadn't come to the house for such a walk, how could she see clearly that her "relatives" saw her like this... …

"Mu Si!!! What's the benefit of doing this?!! Those in the room are your parents! Even if I get the money, it's not mine, it's for your father!!! Are you so cruel? Do you have to kill them all?!"

Mu Shi was blocked by Mu Si and took a deep breath, but a flash of light flashed across her eyes, and she remembered what her son had said.

No matter what you think in your heart, it must always be wrapped in the word "reason". As long as you occupy the word "reason", you will be invincible.

Not to mention, she really found it!
When he came up, he put Mu Shuan and Xiao Mu's family in front. He looked like a beginner, and he looked so at ease, he was so proficient!

(End of this chapter)

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