The shrew of time travel

Chapter 394 Catch this old hag!

Chapter 394 Catch this old hag!
When this word reached Cui Yuren's ears, it would be a lie to say that he was not moved, he didn't have any patriarchal thoughts.

It's a treasure for pomegranates!
Si girl's words, how can you hear such irony, hey, the adults of the Mu family can't understand clearly, but these children have suffered.

Feeling, Mu Si clarified the words, then changed the subject, saying that he went back to the house.

"Let's talk about the old house. Uncle has never been stingy. He is also called benevolent and righteous. He is well-known in the village. Aunt Mu just asked for 50 taels of silver for you, not to mention that the money is really expensive. Will Aunt Mu’s hand still fall into your hands? If it does fall into your hands, don’t you think that silver is hot?! I don’t know if you think it’s hot or not, but I’m really ashamed for you!”

Mu Si grinned a bitter face, and the look of being ashamed to be with him really made Xiao Mu's head really hard to hold up.

"That's my house!"

At this critical moment, Mu Shuan said this in a low voice, which really amused Mu Si.

"What Dad said is that no one said that the house is not yours. I made it clear before. I don't know if you remember, Dad. You have promised me before. After seeing the people in the old courtyard, you will directly detour Let's go, don't even look at them, don't say a word, remember?"

A little embarrassment flashed across Mu Shuan's face, although he lacked confidence, he finally spoke up.

"She's your grandma..."

"Don't, don't tell me! Back then, the village head had already opened the ancestral hall. I, Mu Si, was not in the Mu family's family tree. She is not my grandma! Not only is she not my grandma, she is also my enemy!"

Before he finished speaking, Mu Si happened to catch a glimpse of Mu Xiu'e who just came over.

"The elder sister came just in time, so you can also express your opinion. Do you recognize such a grandma? Not just the Mu family, but also, if I want to separate from my parents, who do you want to live with? Think about this matter together. I understand, I want to understand and speak..."

"Sier, what's the matter?"

Seeing Mu Si's determined face, Mu Xiu'e felt bad.

Looking at the appearance of my parents again, there is something in my heart that I don't understand.

"Mother, don't be confused! What's wrong with this?! How can you make the fourth sister so arrogant?! Others are outsiders, and the fourth son is a relative. Mother, don't be deceived by others." Already!"

In a hurry, Mu Xiu'e stepped forward and took a few steps, ready to persuade Xiao Mu's family at close range.

However, Mrs. Mu was on guard there early in the morning. When she saw Mu Xiu'e approaching, she rushed up with a brisk stride, and when she went up, she slapped her twice.

"Bad girl! Tell you not to learn how to be good! If your wings are hard, you will disobey your grandma!"

The sound of slapping the face could be heard on the ground, and the tone of the speech was ferocious, and all the pent-up anger was released on Mu Xiu'e's face.

Mu Si didn't think that the Mu family would have such a move, he held his breath, but now seeing Mu's beating someone, why should he bear it?

The wind was blowing under Mu's four feet, and in the blink of an eye they were already in front of them. Seeing that Mrs. Mu was still holding on to Mu Xiu'e, she directly lifted her foot high, and kicked it on the old hag's hoof with all her strength. , By the way, a few times.

Unsurprisingly, he heard Mu's cry like killing a pig, but Mu Si didn't let her go at all.

It's just that Mrs. Mu has always been strong. Now that her feet were attacked, she immediately let go of Mu Xiu'e, and pushed her hands directly on Mu Si's body.

Mu Si was nimble and took off most of her strength, but because of dodging, he still took two steps back.

He had the upper hand just now, and that was the advantage of surprise. Now it is difficult for Mu Si to restrain Mu Shi, who is several times his size.

"Brother Tieniu! Catch this old hag!"

(End of this chapter)

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