The shrew of time travel

Chapter 401 What's wrong with the old 3 families?

Chapter 401 What's wrong with the third family?
Mrs. Mu thought about going home all the way, and went straight to Mu Feng's house.

When she got outside, Mu's face was full of joy and wanted to push the door, but the indistinct laughter from the room made her face turn pale instantly.

This bitch!

It really doesn't stop for a while!

The sun was already in the middle of the day, and instead of thinking about cooking, I went to bed again! !

Mu's forehead twitched, and the ecstatic mood of getting 50 taels of silver disappeared instantly, this bitch!
Her son is going to be the No. [-] scholar in the future, if he is hollowed out by this bitch, what will happen in the future? !

Thinking like this, his body became more anxious, and that hand slapped on Mu Feng's door.

The playfulness in the room stopped abruptly.


When Mu Feng and his impatient voice came, Mrs. Mu's heart skipped a beat, just now she went to the disgusting bitch Xiao Xing'er, but she never thought that there was her own son in that house.

The eyebrows twitched a few times in a row, and the anger just now was like a deflated ball, deflated.

The words that were about to burst out, wandered around in his mouth and were swallowed back by Mrs. Mu. The hand that slapped the door panel stopped awkwardly in the air, and was immediately withdrawn by her.

"Hehe, fourth child, mother has something to tell you, it's urgent, come out quickly..."

If it is really his own son, the intimacy can be seen in one or two ways.

Mu Feng in the room frowned, what's the matter?Due to Mu Clan's bad reputation, Mu Feng frowned.

"what's up?"

Good things are interrupted, and no one will be in a better mood.

When Mrs. Mu heard this, her uneasy heart immediately returned to her place. She really has something to do this time!
Even though he was in his own home, Mrs. Mu looked around furtively, and it seemed that he was well versed in the principle of "a wall has ears".

After confirming that no one was there, Mrs. Mu secretly spoke in a low voice.

"The matter of the third family... come out quickly..."

Although the voice was low, Mu Feng still heard it.

Withdrew immediately and wiped his hands with a sweat towel.

Only Xiao Xing'er was in high spirits, how could he let him go so easily.

Seeing that he was about to leave, he immediately used his hands and feet, intending to stop Mu Feng.

Looking at Xiao Xing'er's appearance, Mu Feng couldn't help but sneer in his heart, a woman is a woman, and he never knows what is going on in his heart.

In front of 'Future' and 'Qiantu', how could he be blinded by beauty?
"Be obedient, there is plenty of time to feed you, little elf, in the evening, mother has something to do... I'll go first."

After a few soft words of comfort, Mu Feng got out of bed and got dressed.

Xiao Xing'er, who was dissatisfied with desire, pouted her mouth so much that she could hang oil bottles, but she didn't know that the man with his back to him had a face of spring breeze just now, but now it was as cold as ice.

After a while, Mu Feng was already dressed, opened the door and came out.

Mrs. Mu's eyes had already gone behind her son, not to mention, she really saw a pile of white flesh...

The bitch!She knew... She knew that this bitch didn't do a good job!

Mu's fire that had just been extinguished was lit up by this scene, and he wanted to step forward to have a closer look, but before she could get close, the door slammed shut by Mu Feng.

Seeing his mother's gossip-like face, Mu Feng frowned slightly, but it was his mother after all, and Mu Feng spoke directly.

"You just said, what's wrong with the third family?"

(End of this chapter)

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