The shrew of time travel

Chapter 404 I am your own son

Chapter 404 I am your own son

Mu Shuan in the house had already heard the voice of the conversation outside the house, and even the fourth child came...

When Mu Shuan, who is well versed in the tempers of the two, heard Mu's voice, he felt a sense of disaster coming.

At this time, I remembered Mu Si's sentence, "The silver can still fall into your hands after passing through Mu's hands?" ', at that time, he was only thinking of getting the money, so how could he think of his greedy mother?

It's a pity that he didn't even warm up the banknote, but she had already come to the door.

Had Ming Jun and Wen Hao been around before, and his body was healthy, he would have been able to fight against each other, but now...he has nothing to do...

It's just that the money is not easy to come by, and he has sacrificed a lot, seeing that the money is about to be lost, how can he be reconciled?
Thinking in this way, the wooden bolt pressed the bank note in his arms tighter and tighter.

When the Mu family came in, they saw such a scene.

It's okay not to cover, this cover almost made Mu Fengle out loud.

With this brain, it was Mu Si's girl who gave him face before asking him to take the money.

Tsk tsk, being soft-hearted is really a big taboo...

"Mother...fourth are here..."

Behind the flustered expression is deep fear, and it is also inconvenient to move, which makes the wooden chain even more embarrassed.

"Third son, you are becoming more 'reasonable' now. Mother is very pleased to see you like this. Especially to let that cheap girl repay the kindness of nurturing for so many years, mother thinks it is very good!"

Mu's whole heart was focused on the 50 taels of silver, but he didn't care about the situation of the wooden peg.

I have never been appreciated so much by the Mu family in half my life, but the feeling of being appreciated does not seem to be as good as imagined, on the contrary there is a creepy feeling.

Unaware of the meaning of these words, Mu Shuan called timidly, "Mother..."

It's just that Mrs. Mu is not willing to give him a chance to speak, she has already preset the ending, and at this moment, she is even more eager to finish the matter quickly and put the silver ticket in her pocket.

"Hey! Good son! Mother knows that you are a filial third son. If you can still call me mother at this moment, mother will not raise you in vain. It's okay for mother to come today, but at that moment After listening to what you said to that bitch Mu Si, I suddenly felt that my whole head suddenly opened up, and I figured out everything... So, this is how the account was calculated..."

Mu's eyes were shining brightly, and when he listened carefully, he was actually a bit coquettish when he spoke.

Saying that Di Mushuan felt nervous, "Mother, what do you mean by that?"

"Hey! How did you teach me, but you don't understand? Look, Mu Si is a little girl, she can eat and drink as much as she wants, third child, you are a boy! Besides, Mu Si You're only 14 years old, and you haven't even paid a dowry if you haven't married yet. Not only that, but that girl actually earned the dowry money from Brother Jun and Brother Hao... That's it, what do you raise? After 14 years, I asked her for another 50 taels of nurturing money, then I have raised you for 20 years, built a house for you, married a wife, how to say, it will cost 100 taels..."

Mrs. Mu blinked, with a look of thirst for knowledge, how to look at it, how to make people feel awkward, but this object is a wooden bolt, hehehe, how can there be a sense of sight that is so satisfying?

"Mother... I'm your own son... Are you trying to settle accounts with me?"

Mu Shuan twisted his stiff neck, and looked at Mrs. Mu in disbelief. What he said to Mu Si just now appeared again so quickly, but the person who listened this time was himself...

Suddenly, Mu Shuan felt something called 'despair' spreading in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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