The shrew of time travel

Chapter 524 Put on an old face and come to the door

Chapter 524 Put on an old face and come to the door
Mu Mingjun immediately put away his sad face, revealing an expression of resentment.

"Brother, I'm not a child. There's already a lot of chatter outside. Can you keep this from me? You can't keep everyone's mouths shut, right? Let them talk!"

Mu Si felt that his elder brother was too protective, when did he become so weak that he couldn't even stand gossip?
"These people don't distinguish between black and white, and they directly put the ugly things on people's faces. You have to bear all these at a young age. Big brother is sorry for you!"

Mu Mingjun couldn't hide his anger, and it was hard to control his anger. It wasn't because of that woman who was messing with him, so he stopped for a long time, and when there was a gap, he came out again.

"Those are not important, let's go to the hall to see the village chief and the others."

Mu Si clapped the dust off his hands, and decisively changed the subject.

If the village chief was mentioned again, Mu Mingjun returned to reality in an instant, and his whole figure was like a frost-beaten eggplant.

"On a happy day, be happy. If it is really because of our affairs that Cui Fat'er can't study, I can't bear it. This is a big event for the glory of the family. Besides, today is Cui Fatty. What if something happens to Sister Chunhua tomorrow? Let's go and have a look."

After speaking, Mu Si walked out of the red room with long legs.

Thinking about the loss of his unmarried daughter-in-law, Mu Mingjun almost burst into tears again, but just thinking about what his sister said, in case Chunhua would be in any danger... Then he suppressed the tears again.

Following Mu Si, Mu Mingjun really felt mixed feelings in his heart.

When Mu Si arrived at the main room, he saw Cui Yuren and Lin Quanguo drinking tea as the elder brother said.

The sad look on his face was also undisguised.

Seeing Mu Si coming in, Cui Yuren's eyes finally fluctuated, and the wrinkles on his face were barely stretched.

"The fourth girl is here..."

"Uncle Cui, Uncle Lin...Brother, hurry up and serve tea!"

The atmosphere was dignified, and Mu Si also felt a little embarrassed.

"Stop it, fourth girl, come on, sit...sit..."

Seeing that Cui Yuren was in a bad mood, but when he saw Mu Si, he still tried his best to show enthusiasm.

Such a scene made Mu Si feel a little sad.

Earlier, the eldest brother said that the two families might have come to withdraw their marriage, but Mu Si was not disappointed. With her temperament, even if Fatty Cui suffered any grievances, she would make up for it.

She will protect the Cui family and the Lin family with all her strength, not to mention, if she got a wife before, she has already secretly protected them.

The matter of Fatty Cui is also true, a hundred secrets and one sparse...

Mu Si always wanted to be strong, and he could not be trusted by the two families, and Mu Si felt a little cold.

It's just that now seeing Cui Yuren's appearance of being brave in front of her even though he's feeling uncomfortable, it's really hard for her to say anything.

With Yan Fu's madness, human life is still a trivial matter, ruining Fatty Cui's bright future is nothing...

Now that the two families have not yet formally married, they have already suffered so much. What will happen afterwards is indeed hard to say. They don't know the details of their own family, and it is helpless to protect themselves wisely. If you build up your heart like this, Mu Si's mood will be down. Also calmed down.

Still the same sentence, each has its own choice, reluctantly...

While thinking about it, Mu Si avoided the main seat and fell to the last seat.

"It's rare that Uncle Cui and Uncle Lin came together, but today I don't know what kind of wind is blowing."

Mu Si looked as usual, with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Si girl, I didn't answer Ming Jun's post, saying that she wanted to congratulate Xiu'e. As soon as you and Uncle Lin made up our minds, we put on this old face and came to our door!"

(End of this chapter)

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