The shrew of time travel

Chapter 539 is another matter

Chapter 539 is another matter
Unexpectedly, she only thought about her own family, but Yan Liu'er's eyes never left her from the beginning to the end, seeing her wandering eyes.

I thought what she said was not true.

Don't think about it, just think about it and feel that there are loopholes everywhere.

"Auntie, if you can take it back in the summer, it will probably be broken at night, or you can just pretend, let's eat it another day!"

Yan Liu'er said casually.

After hearing this, Mrs. Hua was moved. To be honest, she really likes to eat, so she always has a good impression of those who are willing to invite her to dinner.

"I'll talk about it next time, Liu Zi, listen to my aunt, this very good!"

It's not bad to let him eat this, Hua Pozi secretly spat in her heart.

There is no harm without comparison!

Compared with Mu Feng who was "delicious and lazy" in his cellar, Yan Liu'er in front of him was indeed a bit more kind.

But... Hua Pozi did not forget that this idea was originally given by Mu Feng, in other words, if Mu Feng hadn't reminded her, she really couldn't remember Yan Liuer.

"Sixth son, listen to what my aunt said, and think about it. That Mu Feng is a smart one, so I want to let him get some benefits. Those are small bosses, but you are the big boss here! Well, this matter, auntie It’s hard to persuade you, if it wasn’t for Liu Zi, your aunt wouldn’t even say anything about your meal today! Come on, I accept your favor today, and my aunt remembers your kindness! My aunt will leave now... "

These words were sincere, but it fell into Yan Liu'er's ears only after a while, and he didn't care about it...

"Hey! Auntie is so worried about what's the big deal. If you want to eat some other day, come find me!"

Whether it's true or not, it's very comforting to hear.

"Okay, Liu Zi, shall we go back now?"

The food box has been packed, and Hua Pozi is ready to go back.

Unexpectedly, Yan Liu'er cupped his hands at her, "Auntie, go back first, I have some personal matters to attend to, so I won't go back with Auntie..."

When Hua Pozi heard it, she didn't force it, and of course, she didn't think too much about it.

"Well, Liu Zi, you are busy, auntie is leaving first, and when I have a good idea, I will go to Yan's house to look for you..."

Before leaving, he didn't forget to say hello to Yan Liu'er.

Yan Liu'er responded one by one, and Hua Pozi left happily.

Not long after she left, Yan Liu'er also moved with me, hanging not too far behind Hua Pozi.

Hua Pozi's son has been out racing horses all year round, so he is not at home at this moment.

He was watching Granny Hua eat, so many dishes went into her stomach alone, he couldn't eat any more.

This dish can't be kept in Xia Tian, ​​she must give it to others.

Coupled with the fact that she mentioned Mu Feng repeatedly just now, it is not difficult to guess that Mrs. Hua must have a close relationship with Mu Feng!

Granny Hua was sobbing over this meal, how could she know that the secret she had painstakingly concealed had already been fully speculated by Yan Liu'er?

Bumping all the way back home, without resting, she did as she thought, and said to reheat the dish, put it on a plate, then packed it up again, and went to the cellar...

Yan Liu'er waited outside the wall for a long time, but he didn't let him wait in vain.

Yan Liu'er already guessed that there must be Mu Feng in the cellar!
In a hurry, Yan Liu'er immediately turned over from the low wall with both hands and feet.

His heart is tied to Mu Feng in the cellar!
He did have scruples about Mu Feng before, but...if he sees it now, some things...hehe, it's another matter!

(End of this chapter)

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