The shrew of time travel

Chapter 541 Jade and Stone Burning?

Chapter 541 Jade and Stone Burning?

"Mu Feng, it really is you!"

When Yan Liu'er heard the voice, he immediately bypassed Mrs. Hua and went into the cellar.

Seeing that Mu Feng was not panicked, but also looked like an old god, he couldn't help but sneer.

"I'm afraid you're the only one who can still eat this taste!"

In the summer, the cellar is not ventilated, and there are two people living there, eating, drinking, and messing up in this place, what kind of smell can it be?

"I'm here just to wait for Brother Yan."

Mu Feng's face remained unchanged, he didn't come here for a fight.

"Shut up! Who wants to call you brother!"

With a loud shout, Yan Liu'er's expression eased a little.

"In the past, my ineffective younger brother also called you brother and brother, but now, he has already died!"

After listening to Mu Feng, he giggled a few times, "It's a good plan, but unfortunately, the person who used this plan was wrong! If he hadn't criticized Lord Bai in public, how could Lord Bai have killed him with a knife? Blame him for being stupid!"

These few days Mu Feng had already figured it out, his hope of escape was on Yan Liu'er, although the occasion to meet him was not right, but this did not hinder his performance.

"By the way, it's the father's fault if he raises or not. Maybe his father has something wrong with him. However, this has nothing to do with Mu Feng and me... Hehe, I'm not his father..."

"You! Ha, to put it nicely, if you haven't done it before, how could you hide in such a place by yourself?! You're clearly guilty of guilt!"

Yan Liu'er was so angry that he fell on his back and immediately yelled.

"Don't, don't, don't...don't point at me like that...I'm not guilty, I can't afford to offend, I can afford to hide...What's wrong with those dozen or so women, aren't they buried directly by your father? Your father , is it reasonable?"

Mu Feng retorted and refuted Yan Liu'er.

"It doesn't matter if it's reasonable or not, but as long as I poke the incident there, do you think you can escape?"

"Brother Yan, you and I are birds in the same forest, so why kill each other? Didn't I do this for you? Wasn't it for you to become the adopted son of the Yan family? Brother Yan, how can you cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

Mu Feng's lips curled up slightly, and he threw a few words softly, making Yan Liu'er pissed off.

"Mu Feng, what do you mean?!"

"It's nothing interesting, it's just disdain for Brother Yan's behavior of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge..."

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Mu Feng became more and more calm.

"Mu Feng, you want to frame me!"

Yan Liu'er narrowed his eyes slightly and came back to his senses.

"I dare not, it's just that if brother Yan wants to go all the way, brother, I have no choice but to make a bad move... Although I have no power and power, brother, I'm not so easy to bully... Brother Yan insists on stepping on the road." My brother's head is climbing up... I can't blame the brother for being rude..."

Mu Feng spoke very slowly, as if to give Yan Liu'er enough time to think.

I have to say that although this trick is old-fashioned, it is very useful.

Yan Liu'er's mind turned for a while, he really didn't dare to do anything to Mu Feng, obviously his words had already reached Mu Feng's ears before.

Mu Feng already knew that his current situation in the Yan family was not good, so he said this.

To be honest, if this really happened, he really didn't know if his father would leave him a way out.

After all, when his father came back with Yan Kuan's body in his arms that day, he already wished he could die...

(End of this chapter)

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