The shrew of time travel

Chapter 564 Don't Owe Me, Really Don't Owe...

Chapter 564 Don't Owe Me, Really Don't Owe...

"Sister, what are you talking about? It's rare that you have the heart. If you're willing to help, I'd be happy to ask for it. This dividend is also your share."

Thinking of his carelessness just now, Mu Si felt a little guilty, why did he forget his eldest sister?
"Don't talk stupidly, the eldest sister just wants to help... With the body of the eldest sister, it's good that you don't dislike it. If you say that, the eldest sister will not dare to work..."

Illness comes like a mountain down, sickness goes like a thread.

At this moment, Mu Xiu'e spoke softly and weakly, unable to summon much strength.

Mu Si thought to himself that he hasn't earned any money yet, and it won't be too late if he earns money.

Besides, she also has some selfishness, she is so eager to earn money, it is not for the expenses of the family.

Mudan's business is very good, so it's just the dividends given to Mu Si in her shop, not to mention rich and powerful, right now, petty bourgeois life is no longer a problem.

She was thinking about the "big event" that Mu Weichen said...

"Soldiers and horses have not moved, food and grass go first." If there is such a day, the biggest problem is the supply of combat readiness.

Her goal is to do a good job in logistics.

Given such a task for myself, I can't just care about my family's happiness.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Saying anything now is just empty talk. It's not too late to talk about it until you earn money! A new shed will be built today. The enema is there. If you want to make stuffing, we have to go to the stove room, when the aunts come, we will all stay in the kitchen room, and when others are hired in the future, they will only be in charge of the enema, without disturbing it.”

The separation of homework was also thought up by Mu Si in order to keep the recipe secret.

The enema is nothing, the recipe is the key.

Tightly hold the filling link in your own hands, which greatly reduces the possibility of the recipe leaking.

"Okay, you have to arrange this matter! Shiliu and I went back to each house to report the situation first, and said that it would be as soon as possible. I can't come here until I have lunch. Hurry up, too!"

After Chunhua finished speaking, she took the pomegranate and left.

It was difficult to say before, but now it seems simple.

They are all my own sisters, "Sister, just now in front of the two sister-in-laws, I have some facts that are inconvenient for me to tell. The big sister has been wronged by this incident, and the preserved egg is my compensation for the big sister. This big sister Take care, others, don't interfere."

"What kind of compensation is not to be compensated, and now the big sister's family is actually relying on you to live. The big sister feels... It's not a good feeling, hey... It's just that when I married Tie Niu before... I also wronged him. Now people Well, how can I break his heart again... After all, it's me, the sister, who dragged you down..."

Thinking of all these troublesome things, Mu Xiu'e only felt that there was an inextricable knot in her heart, and it was nothing...

"Don't think like this, sister, it's all over... If you have to say it, I should be the one who should bear everything... It's you who bravely stood in front of me..."

Before Mu Si could finish his sentence, Mu Xiu'e cut it off.

"Si'er, stop talking... It's a good thing it's not you, it's a good thing it's not you..."

What kind of torment this incident caused Mu Xiu'e, can it be described in words?
Hearing Mu Si put forward such a hypothesis, Mu Xiu'e immediately stopped him.

"Don't mention it, don't mention it, it's all in the past. Sister, I remember all the kindness you have done to me. Therefore, I should treat you well now. Fuer can only be good when you are well. .Hello, Brother Tieniu and Aunt Qian are the only ones who can be good. This family is really good. Even if they moved to the house, they would not be idle. Uncle Qian moved to the concierge spontaneously when he saw that there was no gatekeeper in such a big yard. Go live, sister, you don’t owe me anything, you really don’t…”

(End of this chapter)

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