The shrew of time travel

Chapter 568 Good one has everything~

Chapter 568 Good one has everything~
"The town is so big... isn't it... There must be a foothold..."

"Manxiang Tower!"

Mu Si, who was despised, did not have the slightest awareness of being despised.

It’s still—righteous and strong!

The bullock cart finally began to move forward slowly.

Several people finally arrived at Manxianglou.

Mu Si curled up the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly.

"Are you hungry? Let's go to Manxianglou for a meal today!"

Those radiant eyes are really different from the lazy ones when they first came here.

"Si'er, aren't we here to do business?"

Pomegranate clearly remembered the purpose of this trip, and now seeing Mu Si said that he wanted to eat, this, this is different from what was agreed before!

"How can you have the strength to do business if you don't eat enough? Besides, my little brother Chaosheng drove the ox cart all the way for us. It's so hot today, so we have to reward little brother Chaosheng, right?"

As Mu Si spoke, he didn't even look at Gu Chaosheng... May I ask Mu Si Guliang, what's the sincerity of the agreement?

"No need, you don't need to go through such a hassle for your subordinates. Your subordinates are here on orders, and driving is also part of their duty."

Gu Chaosheng got out of the car without any haste, and he didn't seem to understand the meaning of "coming here on order" and "duty matter" at all.

"Even if you come here on 'order', you should have a glass of water and wine. Come on, let's go!"

Knowing that he was dissatisfied with himself, Mu Si didn't bother to talk nonsense.

"Several guest officers, please come inside!"

There was no one there at the moment, but Manxianglou's second brother came out to welcome him.

Mu Sixin said, this attitude is not bad.

"Second brother, have you seen our ox cart? Take it to the backyard and take care of it. Our ox cart is more expensive than those horse-drawn carts, so don't go wrong."

Mu Si pointed to the bullock cart and talked to the waiter.

"Hey, sir, you are joking. This ox cart is just an ox cart. How can it be more expensive than a horse cart?"

The second brother is also a wonderful person, so he returned immediately.

Mu Sicai didn't care what the shop waiter thought, "The so-called 'if the mountain is not high, there will be a name if there are immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be a spirit if there is a dragon'." It is more expensive than those carriages! Do you understand?"

"Come on, please come inside! I'll tie your precious cow to the backyard right now, little one."

As he said that, the waiter in the shop put the rag on his shoulder and went straight to the bullock cart.

Gu Chaosheng knew that this was for himself, so he didn't care. He yawned lazily, but he was somewhat interested in this girl who was going to be a princess.

He wants to see how much this girl weighs...

"Sit down, sit down! Sit down, sit down!"

Mu Si waved his hands like a big sister, and several people sat down in response, the two women stared blankly at Mu Si, always thinking that she was a little strange and didn't know what she was doing.

Gu Chaosheng just looked at Mu Si's trickery with cold eyes, wondering for a thousand and one times in his heart where he had offended his master and was assigned such a job.

"Little brother! Order!"

Mu Si had his own plan, so he didn't have time to take care of Gu Chaosheng's thoughts.

"Come on, come on!"

Just after setting up the bullock cart, the second brother ran back in a hurry.

This girl is really capable of tossing around, not to mention the 'Bao Niu' thing, the time of eating here is also different from other people's homes.

"Girl, what do you want? We are full of fragrant restaurants, but there are all kinds of famous restaurants in this town. What do you want to eat, you talk!"

"That's why we came here. There's everything you can expect, little brother, give me a whole plate of smoked sausage first, then a preserved egg tofu, pad mat, I'm still hungry!"

(End of this chapter)

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