The shrew of time travel

Chapter 580 Sharp turn down

Chapter 580 Sharp turn down
"Brother Su Nai in front, just wait."

Mu Si took two steps forward and successfully stopped Su Nai.

"Who are you?"

In a bad mood, Su Nai didn't even turn his head.

He had already seen Mu Si just now, but he himself still had something difficult to solve, so he didn't have the energy to meddle in other things.

"I'm Jiang Shiyao's friend. I overheard Su Nai's conversation just now. It's really offensive. I'm here for the first time and I'm not familiar with Qingsong Academy. I don't even know where Sister Shiyao is. I hope Brother Su Nai can show you the way."

When Mu Si came up, he stated his position, and directly put himself and Jiang Shiyao together.

Originally thought that even if Su Nai wouldn't be very excited, he wouldn't be cold-faced.

Unexpectedly, Su Nai suddenly turned around.

"Who the hell are you? What's your name?!"

Behind the calm expression, there seemed to be a lion about to wake up, with a slightly ferocious expression, which made people's scalp tingle.

However, it was only pomegranates and spring flowers that were frightened, Mu Si didn't rush to make a statement, and clenched his hands again.

Su Nai's expression was really unreasonable, and his words couldn't find any logic.

The combination of these weird situations really made Mu Si's heart skip a beat.

"If you don't want to change your name if you don't sit down, I am Mu Si."

He opened his mouth indifferently, but it was like a thunderclap on the ground, roaring towards Su Nai.

"It really is you! It's all right if you open a shop. The little senior sister has already persuaded the master to agree. Why did you find such a woman to open a shop in the academy?! Isn't everyone in this world dead? Now it's good, little senior sister They were all ruined by you!"

Finally seeing the culprit, Su Nai's resentment suddenly reached its peak.

"What happened to Shi Yao?!"

Mu Si's eyes widened in vain, and he stared at Su Nai coldly, without any intention of joking.

"Who wants you to cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful?! If it weren't for you, how could the little sister be wronged so much? You will stay far away from the little sister in the future. The master is angry, and maybe another day will be the little sister. You can come out now!"

Su Nai got angry looking at Mu Si, how could he tell her about Jiang Shiyao's recent situation?

"I think you treat Sister Shiyao sincerely. I won't pursue these nonsense. Let me ask again, what happened to Shiyao?! Think about it before answering. Oh, that's right. By the way, I'm a despicable and shameless person." , can do anything..."

After a slight pause, Mu Si saw Su Nai's hands fight slightly.

Then he went on to say, "If you don't speak clearly today, I won't let you go. I don't need to take any hard lessons, but I don't know if little brother Su Nai can hold on..."


How could Su Nai have been threatened like this before, and immediately turned into a flame in one breath, and yelled at Mu Si.

"Hehe, as I said just now, I'm despicable and shameless, brother Su Nai is too forgetful... I can't be the number one scholar in this way..."

Mu Si stared at Su Nai without blinking, and he was no longer polite.

"You threatened me...?"

Being stared at by Mu Si's fierce eyes made his legs a little weak, but Su Nai still held on. According to his thinking, the two are facing each other at this moment, the loser does not lose, and a pie has already been thrown on his head?
I have to say that Su Nai was wrong.What falls from the sky is not necessarily a pie, it may also be a discus...

(End of this chapter)

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