Chapter 592

In the panic, Ma Qing seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, which was unexpectedly logical.

"I see. I would like to ask, what kind of rumor is this? Who said that Mudan and Xiaocui were born in the land of fireworks? They are people with good citizenship, and you are all scholars. You must speak with your conscience..."

Mu Si's words followed immediately, without any slack.

Jiang Fanyin didn't expect that something went wrong, he beat his own daughter because of it!

"What the hell is going on?! Ma Qing, tell me quickly!!!"

Eager to ask for proof, Jiang Fanyin also immediately got angry with Gu Shi.

Ma Qing didn't know the reason at first, he just listened to Mu Feng's one-sided words, but unexpectedly something went wrong.

My heart was flustered again, "Master, it's none of my business! It's none of my business! It's all about Mu Feng, who told me that Mudan and Xiaocui are prostitutes, and he framed me, Master, I beg Master to find out! That's right, even that sign was given to me by Mu Feng, that's right, he even threatened me that if I don't do what he said, he will make me look good!"

Ma Qing seemed to have found a scapegoat all of a sudden, and immediately pushed the crime out.

"So, Mudan and Xiaocui were really framed by you? You not only framed Mudan and Xiaocui, but also Yao'er?"

Mrs. Jiang looked at Ma Qing incredulously, and Jiang Fanyin felt her heart was bleeding when she thought of how much wronged Yao'er had suffered because of this matter.

How could it be like this?The girl whom he was thinking of dearly was wrongly hurt because of a misunderstanding.

"Master, this is really wronged, it's so wronged... Even if I have 1 guts, I don't dare to count on my junior sister! We were just looking for troubles for Mudan and Xiaocui before, but we never expected you to be so wronged, Master. You love little junior sister, but you will punish her!"

Ma Qing suddenly looked bitter, and threw the big hat out.

What a joke, even though the crime is serious now, there is still a glimmer of life.

If the accusation of framing Jiang Shiyao is really added... even if the previous accusations cannot be established, as long as there is the accusation of framing Jiang Shiyao, they don't want to have a good death.

Not their fault...not their fault...

Ma Qing's words kept echoing in Jiang Fanyin's mind, yes, it wasn't their fault, it was his father who did something wrong...

"You didn't even ask Shi Yao a question, and you already convicted her.

You never asked her why she wanted to help Peony open the shop... She did it for you, to give you a new dress for your father who bought Shu Xiu all the books and paintings.

In order to let you eat better... No wages are required, this was the only condition Shi Yao raised at that time.

Musi Xiaopu was run by Mudan, Xiaocui and Shiyao.

I never expected that they would use the name Mu Si. The reason why I handed over the small shop to them at the beginning was because I was afraid that they would be troubled because of me.

However, this is the answer they gave me!

Not admitting love is faith, they would rather take all kinds of unknown risks to associate the name Mu Si with them.

Based on this alone, in the countless years to come, as long as they need me, I will be here.

This is my reward for that trust.

Changing places, Shi Yao's trust is also given to the master, how does the master repay it? "

Mu Si actually avoids the important and ignores the minor, and directly exposes the background of the two Mudans, but instead uses Jiang Fanyin's guilt to press him step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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