The shrew of time travel

Chapter 601 The Enemy Appears

Chapter 601 The Enemy Appears


Secretly making up his mind, Mu Weichen finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Bo Yifei has been guarding the door, just now seeing his princess go out with a solemn face, he was secretly worried.

Hearing the master calling him now, Bo Yifei couldn't help feeling a strong sense of gossip, uh, the heart of caring for the princess...


Thinking about it, Bo Yifei cupped his fists and saluted, not daring to say a word of nonsense.

Just kidding, can anyone care about the princess?
If I offended my grandfather, I don't know how many big boards I'll hit, but my ass will definitely bloom. He can't make trouble for himself anymore.

Being beaten is a minor matter, but humiliation is a major matter, especially with Gu Chaosheng around, he can't afford to lose face like this.

"Well, are there any clues about Wangfei's life experience that were left out before? Tonight's matter, Wangfei will also go. If Old Dog Bai threatens this matter, it may cause damage."

Mu Weichen's words were reserved, but without Musi around, it was not easy for him to say such provocative words.

Bo Yifei was taken aback for a moment, Master really... If I asked this once, I have never seen him ask it a second time...

"As for Master Hui, the Yunluo Jinxiu was originally a tribute from the palace, and there are not many people who have the courage to receive this reward... Although it has not been verified, it is a noble lady from a royal family who has won this dignity. It's decent to keep it... use it as a swaddling baby... this..."

It's really unlikely...

Bo Yifei didn't go on with the rest, but how could Mu Weichen not understand?
Even if ordinary princes got this material, they would be reluctant to use it on a girl, but he still had a voice in his heart.

What if... what if I really gave up?
"Go on, there can be no mistakes in what happened tonight."

After a little hesitation, Mu Weichen returned to his previous decisive appearance.

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

Seeing that his master had already made up his mind, Bo Yifei resigned wisely.

Conch Bay, tens of miles away from Shuiyu Village, is the place where Yan Fu is responsible for transporting salt.

The moon has risen high, but no one has been seen for a long time, which is too much to startle the snake.

Everyone had to lie in ambush in the shallow water area on the shore, only soaking in the water for several hours in a row, everyone was inevitably a little impatient, but fortunately it was summer, so they wouldn't freeze their hands and feet, but the bugs in the water were not vegetarian...

Mu Weichen's internal strength is quite deep, and his eyesight is naturally very human.

He should have stood in the water, just to protect Mu Si.It was rare for him to break the rules, and he was standing on top of a big tree with Mu Si at this time.

In the hot summer, the trees are luxuriant, which is also a good place to hide.

In the silence, Bo Yifei finally felt a little impatient.

"My lord, why didn't Bai Bingxiang show up? Mr. Hua has already stated that Bai Bingxiang refused all visits this morning because he was unwell, but in fact he used a trick to get out of his shell and went to meet Yanfu!"

His brows were deeply furrowed, and a little sweat glistened on Bo Yifei's forehead under the moonlight.

"It's just far away at this moment, so I can just hear it. If Chaosheng hears it, I can't say that I will give you a crime of delaying the military's situation."

Mu Weichen waved the fan in his hand, frowning slightly.

Bo Yifei knew immediately that he had made a slip of the tongue.

A hint of remorse immediately surfaced on his handsome face.


Before the word 'forgiveness' could be uttered, Bo Yifei saw his grandfather's solemn expression.

When the next words are about to be held back.

There is only one explanation for Grandpa showing this expression at this moment—the enemy has appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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