The shrew of time travel

Chapter 607 Unbiased

Chapter 607 Unbiased

Now that Mu Si's life experience is still the same, the veins on his neck twitched a few times, and Bo Yifei wrote down a note for Gu Chaosheng in his small notebook. If he couldn't beat Gu Chaosheng, he wouldn't let himself be so aggrieved!
Mu Weichen secretly watched the two fight, and the nervousness disappeared a lot.

It is an indeterminate time bomb, with Bai Bingxiang outside and Huafeng inside.

Mu Weichen looked calm and breezy, with his whole heart on his side...

"Okay, Chao Sheng, don't tease him. As the saying goes, 'It's a blessing, not a disaster, and a disaster can't be avoided'. The Ninth Prince's eyes are sharp, why? Do you think your father can't stand the test or are you afraid that the Ninth Prince will meet? Taking sides? Just wait."

As soon as these words were put down, all the grievances in Bo Yifei's heart were immediately wiped out.

He can trust his master... the Nine Kings... my master said it, so he can't be wrong...

Thinking like this, Bo Yifei retreated directly.

Bo Yifei was quite sensible, but Mu Si was worried when Mu Weichen spoke.

Others don't know, but Mu Weichen has been holding her hand since he went down the tree with her.

The palms that had been cold before, when Bai Bingxiang talked about the Nine Kings, a thin layer of sweat broke out in his palms. It can be seen that Mu Weichen still minds about the Nine Kings...

Mu Si and Na Jun Jiuge met only once, and know little about them.

However, for his Fengming Sword, Mu Si took it seriously and was deeply impressed.

It seems that Jun Jiuge is both good and evil, and the red robe doesn't look like a serious man's attire.

However, it is such a person who holds the Fengming sword bestowed by the former emperor himself...

For a while, Mu Si couldn't figure out what to do, even though this Nine Kings seemed to be very independent, and with such an unstable factor, he seemed to be a character who could give Mu Weichen a fatal blow at any time ...

I just don't know if it's because the Nine Kings came out for Mu Xiu'e, but Mu Si couldn't hate him no matter what.

"It looks like Fengming is going to drink blood today...Mu Weichen, are you really going to rebel?"

Jun Jiuge came here on the moon, dressed in red, taking advantage of his word 'drinking blood', under the moonlight, it didn't look dark at all.

The white undershirt makes this red body even more vivid.

"This king thought that the Nine Kings would be different..."

When Jun Jiuge opened his mouth, Mu Weichen couldn't help but tighten Mu Si's hand again.

The only two times Mu Weichen and Jun Jiuge played against each other were evenly matched.

However, now that he is injured, he is naturally invincible.

In other words, no one in Mu Weichen's camp is Jun Jiuge's all-in-one general.

Even if he wants to fight hard, he can't ask for it. Even if he loses soldiers and generals, he wants to kill Jun Jiuge, but it's like a fool's dream.

People of this level really couldn't be piled up... If those people hadn't used dirty tricks that day, he wouldn't have been injured if he couldn't save Huafeng.

However, even under such harsh conditions, he was only seriously injured, and if he wanted his life, it would be difficult...

Of course, if the enemy is Jun Jiuge, it's another matter.

"This king will not be biased. However, this king also said that if you want to rebel, Fengming will drink your blood! Bai Bingxiang, if you have anything to say, please speak quickly! It can kill you!"

Jun Jiuge's behavior is really clear, and each hits [-] big boards, which can be regarded as least...on the surface, so...

(End of this chapter)

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