The shrew of time travel

Chapter 617: Veteran Strikes First!

Chapter 617: Veteran Strikes First!
"Your Highness is wise! It should be so, it should be so!"

Bai Bingxiang was finally relieved to see that Jun Jiuge was going to take the initiative to enter the network at this moment. He had already made the worst plan just now, just thinking about making a last-ditch effort. Now that Jun Jiuge brought it up himself, Bai Bingxiang couldn't wish .

"I His Royal Highness the Nine Kings, why bother to check inside, there are already guards, just take out two bags from the inside, see if it's salt or rice, and you're done? It's just that you can't trust these guards , they wouldn’t go in empty-handed and produce two bags of salt out of nothing, would they?”

The person who spoke was exactly Mu Si.

I just listened to everyone's debate about my life experience, and to be honest, it didn't have a big impact on Mu Si.

Before, she was still thinking about what kind of relatives she would have, but now it doesn't matter what her status is, but just after she found out about her life experience, she was told that her parents were both dead.

As for the legendary elder brother who was still on the throne, Mu Si didn't know what mood he should have.

After all, her mother and concubine, whom she had never met, were bestowed to death by her father, who had never met, wasn't she?
After all, she is still an orphan now...

Not to mention, if she remembers correctly, her husband, wife... Grand Prince Mu Weichen seems to be secretly planning a rebellion...

To be honest, does she have any feelings... Really, it's hard to say...

On the contrary, His Royal Highness Nine Kings in front of me seems to be quite protective of her... Coupled with Jun Jiuge's kindness before, it made her feel even more favorable...

These words slipped out of his mouth without even thinking about them.

Jun Jiuge just found out that Mu Si is Jun Fengqing, or rather, his sister.

He looked at Mu Si differently, he knew before that Mu Si was worried about him, but now that his identity is confirmed, he will be even less suspicious.

Jun Jiuge stopped immediately, "Qing'er said so. If so, let the two guards go in and take a look."

Bai Bingxiang's face, which had just improved, suddenly sank.

But he has already seen the reality in front of him clearly.

Jun Jiuge has become determined after eating the weight.

"The Nine Kings are very thoughtful...Yan Fu, why don't you take action? Do you really want to trouble Prince Mu's guards?"

As soon as the gloomy words came out, Yan Fu shouted loudly.


It was too late to say it, but as soon as the words came out, Bai Bingxiang drew the scimitar at his waist and slashed straight at Jun Jiuge who was beside him.


Although Jun Jiuge didn't expect Bai Bingxiang to attack suddenly, but he was a master after all, but his body was one step ahead of him, and he reacted directly, blocking it with Fengming sword.

Before the sword was out of its sheath, it collided with the scimitar and made a clanging sound.

"Bai Bingxiang, do you know what you are doing?!"

Jun Jiuge narrowed his eyes, and said directly to Bai Bingxiang.

"What to do? Since the Nine Kings are willing to degenerate and are colluding with Mu Weichen, the old minister has no choice but to act first!"

With a sneer, Bai Bingxiang raised the scimitar with both hands, and lifted Jun Jiuge's Fengming sword sheath away.

Before Jun Jiuge could turn around, the scimitar slashed directly at Jun Jiuge's belly.

Jun Jiuge was so skillful, he stepped back halfway, kicked Bai Bingxiang's scimitar, and kicked him away.

"Bai Bingxiang, you are so courageous! Originally, I still had a little bit of luck in my heart, thinking that maybe Mu Weichen wronged you, but now you dare to draw your sword at me, it's against you!"

(End of this chapter)

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