The shrew of time travel

Chapter 622 Are you willing to show your cards?

Chapter 622 Are you willing to show your cards?
"Killing and silence, do you believe it?"

Seeing that there was no panic on Mu Weichen's face, Jun Jiuge was both relieved and depressed, and his mood was really complicated.

"If the Nine Kings want to kill people, why wait until now? Right now, I am seriously injured, and I don't think I am the opponent of the Nine Kings. Besides, just now the Nine Kings took so many troubles to save this king, and turned around to kill me again. This... ...It's a bit puzzling how to put it..."

Mu Weichen shook the fan in his hand, showing a little puzzled expression.

"Mu Weichen, don't think too highly of yourself! You are not worthy of this king's trouble! Don't think that this king doesn't know that you took advantage of the chaos of the Central Plains Salt Gang to secretly transfer soldiers from the Northwest! Mu Weichen, tell the truth! You Do you want to rebel?!"

Jun Jiuge yelled sharply, but without dodging or avoiding, he directly asked the most worrying question.

"Since the Nine Kings have come to a conclusion, what's the point if I don't admit it?"

Mu Weichen laughed lightly, as if he would not shed tears when he saw the coffin.

"Mu Weichen, you are really... rampant enough... Forget it, I won't play around with you anymore, Your Majesty, he never thought of killing you."

After all, Jun Jiuge gave up the idea of ​​bickering with Mu Weichen again. Firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, he found that it was difficult for him to take advantage of it even if it was verbal.

"Are you finally willing to show your cards? Is this what the emperor meant, or is it your speculation? To be honest, the pursuit and killing along the way to Yuezhou tells me that the truth is not like this..."

Jun Jiuge's words made Mu Weichen frowned slightly. To be honest, he really didn't have any idea about that seat, especially after having Mu Si, he wanted to give her a stable life.

Rebellion means that the flames of war will rise again, and foreign enemies may also take advantage of it, which is really not what he wants to see.

However, if the emperor wanted his life, he wouldn't obediently wait for death...

"It was Bai Bingxiang and the princelings who did it. They want to strengthen their power. It is most appropriate to use you, the regent who is a master of merit... Ha, who told you not to enter and not to be wooed by them? The weak eat the strong, no A friend is an enemy, since you can't use it for me, it's better to kill it. You, the regent who is in the government and the opposition, can't understand it as well as I, an idler."

In the last sentence, Jun Jiuge's tone was a little more sarcastic, but Mu Weichen felt a little more cordial.

He noticed that Jun Jiuge didn't call himself 'the king' this time.

Speaking of it, it's more like a friend who has known each other for a long time.

"You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others."

Relax a little, Mu Weichen cherishes his words like gold, but he also expressed his attitude towards the current emperor.

"I can't see it, but you are quite afraid of death. Shouldn't it be, 'The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die'?"

Jun Jiuge raised his eyebrows with a puzzled look on his face.

From his point of view, Mu Weichen shouldn't be someone with any intention of treason.

Seeing him like this, Mu Weichen immediately gave him a look of disdain.

"I just heard your 'foolish loyalty' theory. I thought you were quick-witted, but now it seems that it's just a show and superficial effort. We don't agree with each other. Let's just say goodbye. .”

As Mu Weichen cupped his hands, he wanted to say goodbye and left Jun Jiuge.

"Hey~~! What kind of nonsense is this? This is clearly what you ministers of the court are talking about every day, and you can't even say it!"

Jun Jiuge didn't expect that Mu Weichen was going to leave because of this disagreement, and immediately called someone to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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