The shrew of time travel

Chapter 624 Let's go

Chapter 624 Let's go
It's good not to mention this, but when Mu Weichen mentioned it, Jun Jiuge gave him a blank stare.

"It was already concealed, but who knows that you are not willing to let her suffer even this little grievance. Who would have thought that the famous regent would have a foolish day? I know her background is true, but it is natural to know about it." The fewer people you have, the better. Your Regent, do you still need a woman to elevate your status and give you a icing on the cake? This is great. Once her life experience is exposed, I don’t know how many people will miss her. My life! Tsk tsk, confused, confused..."

While scolding Mu Weichen, Jun Jiuge still looked regretful.

"If a person lives for a lifetime, why should he be timid? If she was born to be wronged like that and to be looked at strangely by others, I would rather she be like this. Even if I want to protect her with all my might, why should I be afraid?"

Jun Jiuge originally thought that Mu Weichen hadn't considered her safety, but now he realized that he was wrong.

Hearing Mu Weichen's words, Jun Jiuge couldn't help laughing.

"In vain, I always said that I walked in the world and lived my life in style. Looking at it now, it's not as good as you, a person in the government and the opposition, living a life in style."

These words are a bit emotional, a bit dissatisfied, but the words are still spoken by him in the end.

Hearing what he said, Mu Weichen patted him on the shoulder.

"Really free and easy people are ruthless people. You and I are both in this world of mortals, so don't think about those outside things. I just know better than you, what she wants. That's all."

After a slight pause, Mu Weichen continued.

"In any case, thank you for today's matter. I accept this love, but it has nothing to do with your brother. We will talk about future matters later."

After finishing speaking, Mu Weichen raised the soldier talisman in his hand again.

Jun Jiuge raised his head and smiled, realizing that the so-called "brother" Mu Weichen said was the one sitting on the dragon chair today.

If he is really a smart person, no matter what he can't hide it from him.

Forget it, he finally accepted his love, and if he is not willing now, it doesn't mean he won't be willing in the future.

Judging from the fact that he didn't call out his army until the last moment, he had Daze in his heart.

"Take the people she cares about, and you go. Go far away, over there in the capital. I'll write a booklet and hand it over. It's better to avoid the limelight before going back."

Jun Jiuge immediately uttered bold words, directly trying to persuade Mu Weichen to leave Yuezhou.

"It's a good thing for you to be the shopkeeper without your hands. The Central Plains is already in chaos. Is it really okay for you to leave like this?"

Mu Weichen shook his head to look at Jun Jiuge, then at the soldier talisman in his hand, and took it back to Jun Jiuge.

"Nanxuan is good, but after all, it is Yuezhou's troops. Once I withdraw them, the southeast defense line will be empty. The soldiers are not the problem, but the talents are. As long as there are people, there will be Beixuan and Dongxuan in the future... ...You take this soldier talisman, and transport the salt boat to the capital, and the chaos in the Central Plains will be pacified. With this credit, even if your brother wants to do something, he has to weigh it, not to mention, your hand There is also Fengming Sword..."

It took a long time for Jun Jiuge to speak.

"You don't need me to help you..."

You have already seen through everything, why do I need to add to the snake... He is conceited... 5
"No, you made me an extra friend. Let's go, let's set off now, I'll wait for you in the northwest."

Ignoring his kid's thoughts, Mu Weichen patted Jun Jiuge on the shoulder, showing a bit of heroism.

"it is good."

Jun Jiuge readily agreed, without being pretentious, men don't need mothers-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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