The shrew of time travel

Chapter 626 Not Much Can Be Done

Chapter 626 Not Much Can Be Done

Although Mu Weichen tried his best to comfort Mu Si, but Mu Si understood the meaning clearly.

"After an hour, leave on time."

"Don't worry about the soldiers. How they got here is just how they get back. We just need the carriage to go on the road."

Mu Weichen did not expect Mu Si to be so decisive.

A decision has been made in such a short time.

"I'm going to settle it now."

After a few words, Mu Si decided to go to the town no matter what.

She can't directly decide for the two elder brothers, even if they say goodbye, they must have to resign in person.

"Let Yifei go with you."

Seeing her hurry, Mu Weichen vaguely guessed her thoughts.

Mu Si hurriedly nodded, but did not refuse.

Mu Si immediately took Bo Yifei to the door of Peony's master and servant.

It was getting late, and according to the usual times, the two of them should have gone to bed early, but at this time the light in the room was still on, Mu Si turned his head in a slight astonishment.

"Yifei, just wait for me here."

Seeing Bo Yifei nodding his head, Mu Si knocked on Mudan's door.

"Mu Si, why did you come? Miss has been waiting for you all night."

It was Xiao Cui who opened the door. She seemed to have recovered from the turmoil in the academy, with reproaches and worries on her face, but no dejection, which relieved Mu Si a little.

Thinking about what he wanted to say, Mu Si's heart sank slightly.

"Come in, I've been waiting impatiently!"

While thinking about it, Xiao Cui was already in a hurry, she tugged on her sleeve and pulled it in, also in a hurry.

Mu Si didn't notice, but was actually dragged by her, and when he entered the room, he couldn't help opening his eyes.

"Sister, Pomegranate...Chunhua, you are also...?"

"You still dare to ask? Now I'm really getting more and more worried, and even the elder sister didn't say anything. It can be regarded as returning safely. Otherwise, what would you do with these people?"

While talking, Mu Xiu'e burst into tears.

Mu Si was a little embarrassed, "I'm not doing well, how can I just cry?"

"Also! If you didn't see you absent-minded this afternoon, and you really went out in the middle of the night, we would have been hidden by you! Hey, didn't you hide it? I didn't see you until now Why don’t you explain it properly?! These people’s souls are almost killed by you!”

After all, Pomegranate is pungent, thinking that Mu Si has always been a master of one thing, if he is not strong, there will definitely be another time for this matter.

"Uh, I'm sorry..."

Faced with Shiliu's questioning, Mu Si was truly apologetic, but if she did it all over again, maybe she would really do it again.

"However, it's too late to say too much right now. We're leaving, you want to go with us?"

Time was running out, and Mu Si could only simply say sorry.

"Walk together?"

Mu Si appeared so suddenly, it really made people wonder what to do.

"The war in the Central Plains has started. Although it is only temporary, no one can say what will happen in the future. Master is leaving, and I will be with him no matter what. I mean, I still hope that you can go with us , In this way, I don't have to worry about your safety..."

Looking at their confused faces, these words were said in a hurry, but the words were rushed, and the time was even more rushed. There was really not much she could do in an hour.

As soon as these words came out, the girls fell silent for a while. Their most extensive world was only Tianshui Town. Getting married and having children seemed to be their mission.

When Mu Si asked this question suddenly, they didn't know how to answer it.

(End of this chapter)

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