The shrew of time travel

Chapter 633 Do You Dare To Ask For It?

Chapter 633 Do You Dare To Ask For It?
The road is long, and besides the road traveled, there are people left behind.

No matter how much reluctance there is, I will forget it all when I am on the road.

I don't know if it was because Jun Jiuge did a good job in his homework, and the people of Mu Si didn't see anyone chasing and intercepting them all the way.

But everyone didn't dare to stop too much, and it took more than a month to reach the northwest.

It is midsummer, and the grass grows and the warblers fly, adding a little vitality to the wilderness next door in the northwest.

In a blink of an eye, it was half a month again.

Mu Si has gradually adapted to life in the Northwest.

Maybe the herdsmen are busy grazing in summer, and the fat and strong cattle and sheep make the herdsmen smile a little more.

After wandering around these days, Mu Si secretly had some ideas in his mind, but he hadn't implemented them yet.

As soon as the doctor arrived in the northwest, she began to deploy day and night, leaving early and returning late, so she rarely saw people.

Fortunately, Mu Xiu'e came with her and walked around, otherwise she would have to suffer from illness.

Finally after the inspection, Mu Si also had some ideas in his mind, rolled his eyes and stopped immediately.

"Sister, let's go, let's go back!"

"Hey... this just came out, why do you have to go back again? Also, after shopping these days, you are also tired, and I see that you only look at things but don't buy them. Hey, even if you are not annoying, the eldest sister will not be able to bear it any longer. Heck!"

I don't know if she was infected by the bold and unrestrained folk customs in the northwest, but even Mu Xiu'e became a lot more cheerful, which was a surprise.

"I'm not bothered, what about us, go back and get the silver, and come back after you get it!"

As he said that, Mu Si took Mu Xiu'e's hand and went back to the tent.

"Hey... hey... hey, what money do you want?! My wife told me, what do you want to buy..."

As she spoke, Mu Xiu'e looked around, and put her mouth on Mu Si's ear.

"I have silver here..."

Mu Siyi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately dragged Mu Xiu'e to the place where the sheep had just been peeled.

"Strong man, can you sell this suet?"

When Mu Si asked, the man immediately burst out laughing, and when someone came to ask him, he babbled.

A group of people laughed.

"Little girl, you must be greedy! Haha, wait a moment, brother peels the sheep and gives you a couple of them!"

Mu Si was slightly taken aback, feeling that he regarded himself as a poor person.

"Um, thank you brother, but I just want to buy this sheep oil. Brother, you should make a price."

"Stubborn little girl, this is for you!"

The man smiled heartily, cut off the whole piece of sheep fat, and handed it directly to Mu Si.

"Whoa whoa!"


The restless crowd just now applauded.

It really made Mu Si puzzled, he couldn't understand the language, and Mu Si didn't know what those people were talking about.

"Si'er, let's... let's go..."

Seeing this posture, Mu Xiu'e really felt extremely uncomfortable.

She could vaguely sense that the crowd who watched the excitement whistled and applauded, not just for this piece of suet.

"Elder sister, you don't know, I have an idea... If it succeeds, maybe I can earn a lot of money... This sheep fat is ready-made, we can't do it well, just slaughter a sheep just to try..."

Mu Si pulled Mu Xiu'e aside, and explained his "big plan" in detail, expressing his strong desire for this suet by the way.

"Then, let's go back and ask your brother-in-law to buy it!"

Mu Xiu'e bit her lip and decisively sold Tieniu.

"Haha, if others come to buy it, I won't sell it. I will give it to you. Do you dare to ask for it?!"

As soon as Mu Xiu'e's words fell, the man actually took the words directly.

Now looking at Mu Si with scorching eyes, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Mu Si felt that his eyes were a little hot.

(End of this chapter)

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