The shrew of time travel

Chapter 640 Today, I Finally See You Alive

Chapter 640 Today, I Finally See You Alive
After saying this, Yelu Liang was also surprised.

He does have a good idea, but right now, he hasn't implemented it yet...

As for the weight of this little girl's film, Xiao Zhuo, he still doesn't know?
If you really wanted to rob someone, you wouldn't just call her here!

The smile on his face faded slightly, and Yelu Liangcai frowned.

"King Mu, don't be impatient. Just relying on a scimitar... isn't it too arbitrary? We grassland people, it is normal for us to carry a scimitar with us."

Unconsciously, Yeluliang avoided answering Mu Weichen's question.

This move not only annoyed Mu Weichen, but even Baili Dujuan, who was buried in Yelu Liangcai's arms, quickly flashed a look of resentment.

It's just that the top priority is to rescue Xiao Zhuo!
Thinking of this, Baili Dujuan immediately faked crying twice, holding a white handkerchief in her hand, she passed the tip of Yeluliang's nose directly, the pungent fragrance made Yeluliang frown, and she thought more and more about the incident just now A wisp of fragrance.

"What a great injustice! The people on our grassland are hospitable, open-minded and generous...Xiao Zhuo is our family's personal maid, how could she not know the rules? Could it be...Could it be..."

Baili Du Juan interrupted Yelu Liangcai's reverie with a bloody mouth.

Two consecutive exits of 'Could it be', I couldn't even attend to fake crying.

There was no trace of tears in the widened eyes, "Could it be that there is something hidden?! Yes, there must be something hidden!"

Speaking of the latter, Baili Du Juan became more determined.

"What did Xiaozhuo just say?"

Really can't remember Xiao Zhuo's words just now, Baili Du Juan simply walked two steps quickly, and came to Xiao Zhuo in a short time.

"Xiao Zhuo, repeat what you just said. What secret do you know? With Khan and King Mu around, you will definitely not be able to bear the grievance!"

How can she look like she wants to save her maid, but it means that she is more interested in the secret that Xiao Zhuo said.

"Ms. Yan... Mrs. Yan, save me! Xiao Zhuo was wronged. Just now, Xiao Zhuo passed by outside the tent and overheard the lady's secret. That's why he wanted to kill Xiao Zhuo... Xiao Zhuo was really wronged. !"

The two have been masters and servants for many years, and Xiao Zhuo knows what his family's Yan family means.

She failed in the assassination just now, and she will inevitably be punished when she goes back, but if she can bite this woman from the Central Plains to death at this moment, she still has a glimmer of life.

It's a pity that although she had a good idea, it was Mu Si who met her.

After hearing these words, Mu Si immediately burst out laughing.

Although what she said just now was acting, it can be considered that she did it on purpose.

However, if these words were spoken in front of everyone, it might lose its effect, so Mu Si had already sneered as soon as the maid named Xiao Zhuo finished speaking.

"What did she say in the letter?"

Mu Si glanced at these people, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Believe it, why don't you believe it?! Our family is the Yan family, and Xiao Zhuo is our maidservant, how could he lie?!"

Baili Du Juan saw Mu Si's face full of sarcasm, she was furious immediately, and while she was talking, the stars flew around, and she almost pointed at Mu Si's nose.

However, Mu Si has never seen such a scene... But the Yan family on the grassland has this virtue... Tsk tsk, looking at the "Yan family" in front of her, she couldn't help but think of the Mu family in Shuiyu Village, Tianshui Town...

Oh, the Mu clan doesn't have her level of status...

"So that's how it is, 'Yanshi'... Well, I have long admired the name of 'Yanshi' on the grassland, today..."

After a short pause, Mu Si continued to speak after satisfying everyone's taste.

"Finally, I saw a living one!"

(End of this chapter)

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