Chapter 647
Seeing Mu Xiu'e's expression of thinking, Mu Si asked again.

"Really? Eldest sister. Let me tell you, although this woman has to care about these external things, she just has a superficial appearance... Hehe, this person's life is too boring..."

Seeing that Mu Xiu'e was thinking, Mu Si put the handkerchief away, bowed his head and went to tidy up her sack.

It would be an exaggeration to say that Mu Xiu'e traveled thousands of miles to come to this northwest with her, and it really can be regarded as a deep friendship.

However, because Mu Weichen's status is really dazzling, Mu Si is even more afraid that she, the eldest sister, will lose her sense of normalcy because of this "dazzling"...

After a long time, Mu Xiu'e finally opened her mouth in shame.

"Si'er, you still think clearly. No wonder my mother-in-law always said to let me follow you. You can't be wrong."

"I don't like to hear those who follow or not. You are my eldest sister. This inseparable family relationship is a family. Don't keep talking nonsense! Now we are here in the Northwest, unaccompanied , you have to hug each other tightly, so life is a little bit harder now, and in the future, safekeeping will make you live a better life!"

Mu Si saw that what she said was rude and polite, so Dang even refused to obey her.

Although she was careful, she didn't want her eldest sister to be divorced from her.

"Hey! I listen to you!"

When Mu Xiu'e heard this, she became energetic and immediately agreed.

"That's what it looks like! Well, let's not talk about that. Look at the stones in this bag, sister, do you know what it is?"

Not wanting to linger on the previous topic, Mu Si immediately opened the bag.

Seeing Mu Xiu'e's blank expression, Mu Si spoke again.

"Your Preserved Eggs were marinated with this stuff before! Look, we're going to get rich now, aren't we?"

Giving Mu Xiu'e a look of "I know you don't understand", Mu Si sealed the limestone again.

"I used to look at it as white powder, but it turned out to be this stone...Sier, you know a lot..."

Naturally, Mu Xiu'e didn't know what limestone was, but she knew Yinzi!
Even though there were not many days, she still earned a hundred taels of silver by relying on the preserved eggs she had accumulated before.

Although one hundred and ten taels is nothing in Mu Si's eyes, to her, it is a huge wealth. She has lived so long, but she has never had so much silver.

Therefore, as soon as Mu Si mentions the pine flower egg, the stone is instantly worth a hundred times in Mu Xiu'e's eyes.

"What is this? There will be plenty of places to earn money in the future, so I have to fight for my breath, and I must not let the doctor look down upon me!"

Having received Mu Xiu'e's praise, Mu Si also became arrogant.

"Look at you, you say a doctor on the left, and a doctor on the right. Now that you haven't seen him for a while, you miss him?"

"Okay, big sister, now you are not serious, it seems that brother Tieniu taught you!"

"Screw you!"

The two of them had a lively quarrel, which really embarrassed Bo Yifei who had just returned from applying the medicine.

It's just that he has stepped into the tent with one foot, is he making a sound or not?
In desperation, he had to cough twice.

The two people in the tent, Mu Si, silenced decisively after hearing this. Mu Si is not too thin-skinned, after all, he has been poisoned by various modern movies and TV shows.

On the contrary, Mu Xiu'e's face was suddenly flushed, like a cooked shrimp, and she wanted to dig a crack in the ground to get in.

(End of this chapter)

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