The shrew of time travel

Chapter 649 You Can Talk to Your Wife

Chapter 649 You Can Talk to Your Wife
"come over!"

An angry shout caught the attention of Mu Si who had just arrived at the slave market.

"Hear that?! Come here!"

There was another sound, but the decibels were much higher than before.

Mu Sixun looked around, and saw a tall and thick man holding a three-foot-long iron chain, and looking back, he saw that the chain was actually leading a twelve-year-old girl.

The iron chain was tied around her neck.

The tattered clothes couldn't cover the tall body, and the small face like a bamboo pole was full of unyielding. Seeing the man shouting angrily at this moment, she didn't have the slightest intention to take action.

Seeing that the girl didn't move, the man became angry and resentful, and immediately shook the whip in his hand.

With the crackling sound of the whip, the whip had already landed on the girl's body.

I saw the little girl kicking the soles of her feet on the ground, her forefoot firmly grasping the ground, her body kept leaning back, and she refused to take a step closer to the big iron gate.

It's not that I haven't seen the scenes of slave trade on TV, but the scene in front of me is still refreshing Mu Si's senses.

"Fly and stop people."

Compared with the angry scolding, Mu Si's voice was barely audible.

"Ma'am... we haven't gone in yet... after we go in, such things can be seen everywhere and can be heard..."

Hearing the mission given by his master, Bo Yifei was already prepared for a variety of situations, but this has not yet entered the door... Sigh, a trace of helplessness flashed across his heart. What kind of situation will it be after entering? Seriously, it is even more difficult expected.

"Really? Save people, now!"

After hearing this, Mu Si couldn't tell whether it was anger or pain in his heart, his eyebrows were raised high, his face sank like water, and his whole body appeared to be about to explode.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, when he heard Mu Si's reply with his own ears, Bo Yifei couldn't help sighing.

But sighing, the body still moved at the same time.

He sort of understood that the princess, like his master, has a temper that is uncompromising.

All he has to do is to 'obey'...

In the blink of an eye, Bo Yifei had already come to those two people, grabbing the whip thrown by the man with one hand.

"what are you doing?!"

Unexpectedly, someone came out halfway, the strong man was taken aback for a moment, and then the flesh on his face trembled, and he threw the words directly on Bo Yifei's face.

"My wife wants to buy this slave girl."

The Northwest is not the Central Plains, here is the slave market, words like 'when the road is rough, draw your sword to help'... Ha, it's better not to say it out of the mouth.

After the strong man heard this, his face softened a little, but it was only a little bit slower.

"Your wife...who is it?"

Twirling the beard on his face, the strong man looked Bo Yifei up and down, and then moved his eyes to Mu Si and Mu Xiu'e who were the only two on the other side.

It seems to be a question, but it seems to be clear in my heart.

"Stop talking nonsense, how much money?!"

Looking at the expression on his face, Bo Yifei was slightly shocked.

"How much silver? Not for sale!"

Speaking of which, the strong man even gave Bo Yifei a provocative look.

"What do you mean?! This is at the gate of the slave market. If you don't sell it, what are you doing with her?!"

Bo Yifei was angry, but he was still thinking about the task assigned by his princess.

He has already made a mistake today, but he doesn't want to lose again.

"Ha, can you control this? I like to take her wherever she goes, she is my slave! But... if you really want her, I can... talk to your wife..."

(End of this chapter)

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