The shrew of time travel

Chapter 660 Not only suffers from soul-loss disease, but also mentally retarded

Chapter 660 Not only suffers from soul-loss disease, but also mentally retarded
Mu Si didn't speak, but the expression on his face said it all.

The woman suddenly raised a big smile and whistled along the way.

"Aren't you willing to believe me now? From this point of view, there is probably no one in this world who knows more than you and me."

The bright face is very different from the coldness before, and the kindness and joy that cannot be concealed are in the bright eyes.

"Two tigers, two tigers..."

Bo Yifei looked at the lady in front of him who had a sudden change in style, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

What the hell is this doing?

"Run fast... run fast..."

The woman answered a few words in disgust, and a few black lines drooped from her forehead.

"Well, there are people who are like-minded... But how do I know if you are a pervert? Anyway, I am also someone who has read romance novels. What if you can't think about it and want to rule the world?"

Mu Si stroked his chin, looking thoughtful.

"Fuck, is this kind of person? I just want to be invincible, handsome, and have all the beauties in the world, but when I opened my eyes, he is indeed invincible, handsome, and cocky, and he is the only one who can do it." It's just a woman..."

Seeing that it was like this, Mu Si still refused to believe her, and that woman had "shown her true colors".


Mu Si reconfirmed the gender of "him", er, although this face is a bit indistinguishable between male and female, but the bulge on the chest, obviously, this is a woman...

Thinking of the question "he" just said, Mu Si couldn't help but tremble. Fortunately, she is still a woman, if she becomes a man...

Thinking about it this way, Mu Si couldn't help but trembled again, he couldn't help but feel a little grateful, and when he looked at "him", he felt a little more sympathy.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Your real name is Du Ziyu, your real name is Asura, and your age is a day and a half. You talk so much nonsense, can you save me? Oh, this shitty place, I'm about to get sick!"

Seeing fellow villagers, Du Ziyu and Asura, they stopped pretending and let themselves go.

He sat down on the chair behind him, and his legs rested directly on the rails on both sides.

"Mu Si."

The so-called coming and not going is indecent, before "he" asked, Mu Si announced his name.

"Hahaha...Mu...Mu Si...haha..."

It seems that leaning forward and backward is not enough to express his happy mood.

Mu Si watched coldly, not understanding why this man's smile was so low.

"He" is really called Du Ziyu, not Master Xing?
While thinking about it, "he" stopped laughing suddenly, separated his legs with all his strength, and said "seriously".

"Let Master go out! Master now understands that Linghu Chong's life in the water prison is really tormented. Emma, ​​I, Du Ziyu, have today too!"

Looking at the calm and wise woman just now, Bo Yifei suddenly changed into this appearance, completely bewildered.

"Ma'am, ma'am... this, this is..."

"Oh, she's suffering from soul-loss disease. You can go and discuss with the slave trader if it can be cheaper."

Looking at Du Ziyu who let himself go, Mu Si explained in this way.

Bo Yifei was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Master is indeed a blessed person.

It's all right for my wife to be smart and wise, and she can live like this. Where can I find such a woman?
"Musi! How dare you question the 'selling value' of the master?! Without 100 taels, you don't want the master to go out!!!"

Bo Yifei paused when he was about to lift his foot, and looked at Mu Si with a puzzled expression.

"Not only has he lost his soul, but he's also mentally retarded. 30 taels, we'll leave if we don't sell it."

(End of this chapter)

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