The shrew of time travel

Chapter 662 They want to kill Ding 3!

Chapter 662 They want to kill Ding San!

Seeing Du Ziyu's sloppy movements, Mu Si's face finally became less tense.

"Yifei, I'm on the front left, you protect the back on the right, big sister, don't let anything go wrong."

If Mu Si's command is determined, there will be a tendency that one man will be in charge and ten thousand men will not be able to open it.

Guarding against the crowd with increasingly crazy eyes, Mu Si took the time to glance at Du Ziyu who was pinching the slave trader behind him.

"It's a man, isn't it? It's a man, go to the front and stand up for me!"

"Fuck me, grandpa is a woman now!"

He replied unwillingly, but Du Ziyu's pace was not slow at all.

As soon as Mu Si finished speaking, his right hand dropped the slave trader's neck, and instead grabbed his collar, his snake-like eyes swept towards the approaching crowd, how can one be invincible?
Seeing that he was willing to listen, Mu Si's heart finally fell to the ground.

She said that she was really worried about this 'fellow townsman'.

In an instant, Mu Si came back to his senses.

"Sister, hold my hand tightly! Let's go!"

Stealing a glimpse of Bo Yifei already in place, Mu Si immediately roared, the sound was like the horn of marching, Du Ziyu moved after hearing it, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his mouth.

"Hmph, little girl, you're even directing me!"

The people around were still hindered by the rules of the slave market at first, but seeing that they went farther and farther without any obstacles, soon some people were eager to try.

"It was they who broke the rules first, even if the city lord came, we have something to say!"

In the crowd, I don't know who started the game.

In an instant, the pot exploded, "That's right, brothers, even if we do it directly, the city lord can't blame us! Now I just say I'm sorry for Ding San'er!"

"Why are you sorry?! Ding San'er was pinched by someone's neck right now, and if he couldn't get out of the house, his life would be gone. We are saving him!"

"Yes, yes, that's right! We are saving him!"

"What if... what if he dies?"

The leader responded with every call, but in the end there was a timid person who jumped out and weakly objected.

Everyone's morality has long been lost, and the reason why they are scruples is because they are afraid of the city lord.

After hearing this, everyone slapped the weak man on the head to express their dissatisfaction.

The so-called 'the law does not blame the crowd', as long as everyone goes up together, they can bear the consequences together. At this moment, a voice suddenly came out to object, but it frightened everyone back, and no one dared to make such a move. up.

While walking around Mu Si and the others, the crowd said that they had long regarded Mu Si and the others as a meal on the plate, wishing they could just tear them up and eat them in their mouths.

"Make up your mind, this cooked duck is about to fly!"

I don't know who saw how many people had already walked half a street in the trading market, and thought to himself that if they arrived at the slaughterhouse and there were those inhumane people around, even if they could do it, it would be too late!
"let me!"

Behind the crowd, a big man with a huge ax in his hand, who stood out from the crowd, pushed everyone away and stood in front of Du Ziyu.

"Big Zhuang! What are you doing? Woohoo~~~"

The timid man saw Da Zhuang with a murderous look on his face, and he was afraid that he would be hurt.

However, before he finished speaking, his mouth was gagged, and he could only make a whining sound.

"Today, I, Wang Dazhuang, will challenge Dingsan of the golden hook! Bah bah!"

As he spoke, he stood the giant ax on the ground, and spit on his hand twice.

Immediately afterwards, he swung his arms round, picked up the giant axe, and slashed at Du Ziyu, Ding San in his hand.

"They want to kill Ding San!"

Mu Si reacted suddenly and let out a loud roar.

(End of this chapter)

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