The shrew of time travel

Chapter 666 Really 'Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge'

Chapter 666 Really 'Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge'

"The so-called 'I will not be offended if I am not attacked', 'If someone offends me, I will kill the root'! If you want to show off, there will be opportunities in the future, but this person in front of you cannot be given to you!"

While rushing forward, Mu Si left the words to Du Ziyu.

After hearing this, Du Ziyu twitched the corner of his mouth exaggeratedly, "Hiss, cut grass and roots... This woman... is really the most poisonous woman!"

It seems that I have long forgotten who the person who just started killing and causing blood to flow into rivers...

Mu Xiu'e glanced at this insincere woman in astonishment, and could only roll her eyes secretly in her heart.

You know, she has seen the ferocity of this woman just now...

Let's say that Jiang Mu took advantage of the chaos to avoid the crowd and Bo Yifei, and came straight for Mu Si's face.

Mu Si yelled angrily, and the man went up to meet him, the soft sword in his hand wrestling with the coming man's double knives.

Jiang Mu opened and closed his moves, and the Mu Siruan sword was extremely flexible, and his moves were very tricky, often hitting the vital point.

If Jiang Mu's defense is not enough, how can he get into Mu Si's body.

After dozens of moves like this, Jiang Mu was in a hurry, Mu Si's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the next moment, the tip of the sword directly pierced Jiang Mu's neck.

Jiang Mu never expected such an ending until his death.

His eyes widened, and he didn't understand why he ended up like this even though he had avoided her guards.

Seeing Jiang Mu standing in front of him in a daze, refusing to close his eyes desperately, Mu Si gave an answer.

"I forgot to tell you, although I can't beat the doctor, but I'm on par with Yifei. You're looking for your own death, you can't blame me, 'Killer, people will always kill'!"

Miraculously, after Mu Si finished speaking, Jiang Mu actually closed his eyes.

Mu Si pushed lightly, and he fell straight on the ground.

"Once this person dies, will you continue to fight?"

The clear voice drew everyone's attention.

Jiang Mu was already lying on the ground, and they seemed to have no reason to kill.

Of course, more importantly, since Jiang Mu was able to stand among them unscathed, it already showed that Jiang Mu still has some skills.


"Yifei, let's go. It's been a long time, this place is not suitable for us to stay in."

After speaking, Mu Si had already held Mu Xiu'e's hand again, and she had wiped the soft sword again, and put it on her waist again.

Mu Si cooked that Jiang Mu with his own hands, and Bo Yifei couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

However, this incident also made him understand one thing.

The master takes good care of his wife, and the wife loves him deeply.

He had seen his wife's skills before, without internal strength, it was a shortcoming after all.

But now, within this short period of time, Madam has grown to such a state that she can already match him just by relying on sword moves.

To achieve such a speed, how much effort has been put in during the period, seriously, I am afraid that only she knows...

A thought flashed through his mind, but Bo Yifei had already followed.

Du Ziyu looked at the end of the song, and realized that no one cared about his own life.

"Cao, Mu Si, you really crossed the river and demolished the bridge! I just helped you take care of your eldest sister, how will you settle the account? It's for the sake of helping you take care of your eldest sister. I should take care of you." Let’s eat for a year and a half!”

However, his words did not make Mu Si stop, and one blow was ineffective.

Du Ziyu resolutely swears again, "Fuck, you're ruthless!"

Then he cursed and cursed, but after all he followed Mu Si's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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