The shrew of time travel

Chapter 668 Don't forget, you are also a 'woman'

Chapter 668 Don't forget, you are also a 'woman'

The corners of Du Ziyu's mouth twitched badly, and he directly raised his fingers.

He said to Mu Si, " really are 'the hornet's tail is the most poisonous woman'!"

But Mu Si ignored it, and gave Du Ziyu a supercilious look, and said with a poisonous tongue.

"Don't forget, you are also...'woman'!"

He intentionally bit the word 'woman' hard, and succeeded in knocking Du Ziyu down in anger.

Ji Mu Si still thought it wasn't enough, "I'm here to help you adapt to the status of a 'woman'. After all, it's easy to have less things, but it's difficult to want more things."

Mu Si's words were not poisonous, Du Ziyu almost couldn't breathe, but suddenly saw the playfulness in Mu Si's eyes.

His raised finger suddenly came down, "Hey! Go as you say! I am, don't be angry!"

Seeing him like this, Mu Si suddenly felt a little funny.

After being together like this for a while, Mu Si finally found out that this Du Ziyu was a mean-spirited person, and the previous coldness was brought on by his original owner. In fact, he was just a joke.

Seeing that he is honest now, it's not easy for Mr. Mu Si to bully him all the time. Indeed, as he said, this Du Ziyu is not only a bit cheap, but also has great abilities.

"Yifei, besides buying slaves, how else can we find people to work? I demand absolute loyalty."

Thinking about my own plan, it really wouldn't work without manpower.

Especially in this era of no electricity and no machines, a strong labor force has become the only choice.

It's not uncommon to hire people to do the work, but it's absolute loyalty...

The barbarian land in the Northwest is not a state of etiquette in the Central Plains, let alone, even in the Central Plains, the word 'loyalty' is also rare.

Seeing that Bo Yifei was silent for a long time, Mu Si also knew that this matter was really embarrassing for him.

Immediately said, "Forget it..."

Before he finished speaking, a gleam of light flashed across Bo Yifei's eyes.

"Ma'am, this subordinate has an idea!"

When Mu Si heard that there was a door, he was also happy.


"Ma'am, the reason why our army is strong is that every year, Grandpa will weed out some veterans, let them either transfer to kitchens or settle down in the local area, and then absorb new ones.

But even though he is a veteran, after years of training, he always has the strength to work.

Coupled with having been in our army, this loyalty is naturally trustworthy.

Furthermore, madam, if they can be chosen, it will be their blessing, and it will be regarded as a way out for them. "

Bo Yifei talked eloquently, his eyes glistening, and he was obviously very satisfied with himself for coming up with this idea.

"Okay, let's fly, and start to use our brains! Let's do it! Don't think about anything else, just choose from the [-] soldiers stationed in Shuiyu Village before!
Ask if there is any voluntary one, the so-called 'no fat water will flow into the fields of outsiders', they also know my temper.But there is one thing, it has to be voluntary! "

Hearing Bo Yifei's words, Mu Si also became energetic, and immediately delineated the area.

However, Bo Yifei didn't feel so good.

Those two hundred soldiers are my master's bodyguards, elite soldiers... This has nothing to do with the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled...

Just now, he was still complacent, and he got carried away for a moment, and actually lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

There was a slight bitterness in his mouth, and he thought that this time he must tell the master about the death in the slave market...

Princess, she needs protection!

Thinking of this, Bo Yifei finally felt a lot better, silently praised his wit, and then he agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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