The shrew of time travel

Chapter 694 I want to see and see

Chapter 694 I want to see and see
"The final general will see the prince!"

Speaking of which, Li Mengxiang led a group of people to kneel down on one knee.

"Get up, Vice President Li is here, what's the matter?"

Mu Weichen frowned slightly, and his mood immediately changed a lot.

"My lord, the last general said from the gate guard that the Wolf Warriors have acquired a large number of cattle, sheep and horses, and they are here to requisition them!"

Li Mengxiang twisted his neck, directly explaining his intention.

"If it's for this matter, Lieutenant General Li can go back. Just now, the Wolf Warriors have donated all the cattle and sheep. As for the horses... I have already decided to leave the horses to them."

The happy mood was disrupted, and no one had a good temper. The faintly throbbing veins already showed Mu Weichen's forbearance at this time.

"My lord, the general thinks that this is impossible! Horses are indispensable for marching and fighting, and you must not stay in the Wolf Warriors, my lord!
The two hundred personal guards of the prince have just been formed, and now is the time when horses and equipment are needed, even if the personal guards do not need it, this flattery should be left to the generals. This matter is really, it is very wrong, my lord! "

A few inappropriate things in a row have already aroused Mu Weichen's anger.

However, the one who was most angry was not Mu Weichen, but Mu Si!
Donating the cattle, sheep and horses before made her feel very guilty, now looking at Li Mengxiang again, she really thinks that she has a better temper?
That's why you let people bully you?
"Vice General Li is talking about what's wrong with this matter? Before we set off, did we agree at the door?

If my wife remembers correctly, Lieutenant General Li blocked it at the door, why now that you have benefited, you come here eagerly to get a share of the pie? !
Even if you have the face to say this, Mrs. Ben must not let it happen! "

Before Mu Weichen could speak, Mu Si threw a series of angry reprimands at Li Mengxiang.

"A woman is a husband and a child at home, but the cattle, sheep and horses are needed by the army and should not be confused!"

Li Mengxiang was obviously prepared for a long time, and if he stabbed his neck, he would die unreasonably.

"Vice-General Li really speaks well! Cattle, sheep and horses are needed in the army, and the gold, silver and jewels are the madam's favorite! Could it be that this madam is also going to gather my wolf team to snatch it?! "

Mu Si sneered and refused to budge.

Human beings are bullied by others, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others!
Today she made up her mind to give this Li Mengxiang some flair!
Not to mention, she already knew that Li Mengxiang was a secret agent in the army, but she couldn't do anything to him for a while, since he sent him to her door, it really couldn't be justified if she didn't abuse him!

"Madam be careful! The Wolf Warriors used to be the prince's personal guards, so they are naturally a member of the army. It is their blessing to be recruited by the army now!"

Li Mengxiang already knew that this princess had a sharp tongue, but he had already made up his mind not to let them have fun!

logistics? !Ha, if they are really allowed to raise cattle and sheep, then the plan will be ruined!
Cattle and sheep should be used for meat!
Mu Si narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems that Lieutenant General Li has made up his mind to force his words..."

Seeing that Mu Si's momentum weakened, Li Mengxiang almost raised his tail immediately.

"I can't afford the words 'powerful words and reasoning'. I just eat the weak and the strong. This is the iron law in the army. Horses should be equipped with the strongest army!"

Li Mengxiang raised his chin, that's called a majestic one.

"Okay, what a predator of the jungle! Today I want to open my eyes, what is the strongest combat power..."

Hmph, really, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, Mu Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and then let out a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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