The shrew of time travel

Chapter 697 No, you have to pay...

Chapter 697 No, you have to pay...

Mu Si shook his head, "The concubine has no objection, please give the order."

"Do you all understand what the princess and Lieutenant General Li said just now?"

Seeing Mu Si's insistence, Mu Weichen really couldn't say anything.


Two-two confrontation, neither side will obey the other.


As soon as Mu Weichen finished speaking, everyone moved.

I saw the wolf group, the one on the left was a capturer, and the one on the right swept away thousands of troops... From the time Mu Weichen spoke for no more than a cup of tea, the prince's guard had already been beaten to pieces.

They were all knocked to the ground.

This result was not only beyond Li Mengxiang's expectation, even Mu Weichen was dumbfounded.

No one knows better than him the strength of both sides, at least, he thinks so.

However, just now, the performance of the Wolf Warriors has far exceeded what they usually do.

What the hell is going on here?

"How? Lieutenant General Li, are you convinced?"

Such a result was already expected by Mu Si, and she has already won at this moment, and she has no need to flirt with Li Mengxiang any more.

"If you dare to defend the prince with such a level, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this selection! Let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, and led the person away regardless of Mu Weichen's face.

"Ma'am, we won!"

Bei Feng's dark face was glowing a lot due to the intense exercise, and he reported to Mu Si excitedly.

"It's a strange thing to lose, but it also shows that our training method is correct. This time, you should rest assured. And don't think that Mrs. Ben has missed your youth..."

Thinking of those gossips before, Mu Si also felt a little awkward, after all, this kind of thing is not something she can do with generosity.

"The subordinates will never dare to question Madam's orders!"

Seeing that his wife was still angry about what happened before, Bei Feng immediately turned his expression serious and went back.

"Well, it's fine if you don't dare... I've decided to donate the cattle and sheep to the barracks, except for the horses. Do you have any objections?"

As soon as it was agreed, Mu Si couldn't wait to test his prestige.

"But according to Madam's orders!"

In fact, they just played against the guards, and they have already proved their strength. After that, today's incident will soon be spread, and they don't take those cattle and sheep so seriously.

"Okay! Let's keep ten of them, celebrate tonight, and donate the rest to the military camp. Well, take advantage of the heat, hurry up and send these cattle and sheep and the herbs we exchanged to the Chinese army division. Remember, no one else can do it, only the Chinese army division.”

After thousands of warnings, Mu Si was still worried, so he called Bo Yifei over.

"Yifei, you go, what should I say about things, do you understand?"

"Understood, ma'am."

Bo Yifei thought to himself that what his wife said was that there was an internal traitor in the army. Now that the situation is tense, Mr. Hua must be able to understand the importance of these cattle and sheep, and understand his wife's painstaking efforts.

In response, Bo Yifei immediately led the people and left with a huff.

Just after winning the battle, everyone was eager to go out and have a good time, and now they didn't need Yi Fei to order, everyone rushed to go out, the scene was really spectacular.

"Ma'am, how many surprises do you have..."

Finally, only Mu Si and Mu Weichen were left, and it took a long time for Mu Weichen to say a word.

"It's better not to be frightened... I thought... I thought you would blame me for sweeping your face. After all, that's your personal guard!"

As Mu Si spoke, he shrank his neck guiltily.

Seeing her cute reaction, Mu Weichen immediately scratched her nose.

"Knowing that it's my guards, and beating them so badly, I'm afraid they won't even be able to lift their heads up now, and your husband's face will be wiped away by you... No, you have to pay..."

(End of this chapter)

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