chapter 699

Mu Si opened his mouth and was about to defend himself, but Mu Weichen blocked his lips with his fingers.

"You didn't intend to tell me, did you? If it weren't for this incident, which forced you too hard, I don't know how long it will be... Madame... We are husband and wife..."

Mu Weichen's voice murmured in Mu Si's ear, causing Mu Si to tremble all over.

"Master, you are bad!"

Mu Si muttered dissatisfiedly, accusing Mu Weichen of such an ungentlemanly method.

Her ears have always been sensitive, so it's no wonder she would be annoyed if she did this. However, Mu Weichen didn't feel sorry at all.

"Well, I'm afraid you won't remember..."

The warm air filled the auricles, and Mu Si's entire ears turned red.

Xin Dao Master was really angry, or hurt his heart, otherwise, he would definitely not have reached this point today.

"Remember... I won't hide it from you from now on..."

Duduzui, a little bit reluctant, but Musi couldn't help it, doctor, he is shrewd.

"Is this accurate? If you commit the crime again in the future, I will punish you!"

She always had her own ideas and refused to listen to him easily, but now it was rare for her to agree, and he was a little relieved.

Recently, things happened one after another, and he found that he didn't understand this girl any more.

Whether it's a female slave or today's matter, she was able to deceive herself before, Madam is born smart, but this matter in the army is not good because she is self-taught...

This feeling beyond his control really exhausted him physically and mentally.

Hey, his wife...

"Ah? You still want to punish me? How do you want to punish~~? I am a princess now, so if you want to punish me, you have to take care of my face..."

Mu Si made a long note, thinking that he would have many troubles in the future, and now it is better to negotiate the conditions first.

"This will know in the evening...your slave girl came to you again, so she went to work on her husband..."

Noticing Asura's presence, Mu Weichen didn't want to stay any longer, so he hurriedly whispered something in Mu Si's ear, and then went.

Seeing Mu Weichen leaving in a hurry, he didn't care what he said about the day and night, so he just looked around, trying to find Du Ziyu.

Hey, he said he was going to roam the world, but now that he came here, he might have made up his mind.

How could Du Ziyu see Mu Si and Mu Weichen tired of being together from a long distance, and his heart was only bubbling with sourness.

"Mu Si! The master said he was going to leave, and you didn't come to stay for a while! You still have the mood to love me here! You are a demon who values ​​sex and despises friends!"

This time, Mu Si was still looking for Du Ziyu's trace, but he had "fallen from the sky" with infinite resentment.

"How do you say, you are also an adult, didn't you agree to respect your choice? But you have made a decision?"

Mu Si didn't know where his resentment came from, he blinked and asked.


Originally, he wanted this girl to stay with him so that he could walk down the steps.

Looking at it now, I obviously made a wrong calculation, this girl didn't grow such a tendon at all.

"Hmph! I know what your plan is! You say ten thousand and ten thousand, aren't you just afraid that I will rely on you? Ha, let me tell you today, sir, I am relying on you! Don't you If you want to leave me alone!"

Du Ziyu turned his head, with a proud look on his face... It really made Mu Si puzzled, what did he say?

"Are you still sick from the last illness, or did you have a new illness?"

After Du Ziyu heard this, a mouthful of old blood was in his throat, "You, you, did it on purpose...!"

(End of this chapter)

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