The shrew of time travel

Chapter 701 Who Can Save His Despicable Soul?

Chapter 701 Who Can Save His Despicable Soul?

"I'll go! Mu Si, you really look down on people! What is junior high school graduation? I'm a high-achieving student in our capital university, a science student, do you understand?"

Speaking of his education in his previous life, Du Ziyu finally straightened his back.

"Yo, I really underestimated you~ Could it be that you have a skill?"

Mu Si hugged his shoulders, and there was a strong sense of ridicule in his expression.

"Also, Lord, I'm the little prince of the design department, you don't know that! Tsk tsk, seeing that you were just a prostitute in your previous life, it's reasonable that you can't understand the value of Lord~"

Speaking of this matter, Du Ziyu thought he had won the round, which was a shame.

"Well, let me tell you, it's okay for me to be okay, but you are born to be a man wearing a woman's clothes. It's because God wants to make you a daughter! Tsk tsk, it turns out that this is the truth~~"

Seeing him snarling, Mu Si had to fight against his arrogance.

"Besides, you just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour! How about it? In fact, you still envy me in your heart~ I'm jealous of you~"

Speaking of Du Ziyu, he put his hand on the other, "'s okay...I'm not as stingy as you. Even if you treated me badly in various ways before, I will forgive you!"

Saying that, Du Ziyu had a very magnanimous expression on his face again.

"Tsk tsk, thank you for your generosity~ However, instead of bragging here, you might as well think of a plan to make a fortune! You must know that the market for cattle and sheep outside is monopolized, and there is no way out, and there will be no meat in the future." Gotta eat!"

Hearing that Du Ziyu is actually a highly educated person, Mu Si's attitude has not changed at all... um, no, there has actually been a change...

I didn't know he had these abilities before, but now I know, I want it, but I can use it!

"What? There is such a thing! Mu Si, don't lie to me, let me tell you, I also have gossip!
Didn't you just get a batch of cattle and sheep from that trade fair, didn't you say that you will eat ten more at night?

How did it disappear when I got here? !Oh Maiga, is there anyone in this world who is more miserable than me?

This eats grass and produces milk...

Oh no!In short, Mu Si, you can't tell me, let me tell you!
I can tolerate you exploiting me, but as a foodie, you can't deprive me of the right to eat meat! "

Facing Du Ziyu's incomparably sissy accusation, Mu Si really didn't want his eardrums to suffer anymore.

"Please~ It's not that I won't let you eat it! I can't use the things in the army to cook for you alone!
Besides, don't you want to build some business empire?Compared with that, it is more meaningful to solve the matter in front of me!
By the way, I think, why don't we just treat this as a test.If you can get this sorted out, I believe you can create a business empire...

Then, let's cooperate~~~ Look, how about it? "

As he said that, Mu Si clapped his hands together, and couldn't help secretly praising his wit. How did she come up with such a brilliant idea?

"you you you……"

For a long time, Du Ziyu didn't hold back a word.

This is obviously bullying!However, Mu Si's confident appearance really made him angry!
However, the next moment, "Okay! Let's make a deal!"

Well, who can save his vile soul?
What about being independent?Did you agree to turn over and sing the serfs?

Visually, he has already gone farther and farther on the road of being cheap... hey...

He really doesn't want to go on like this...

(End of this chapter)

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