Chapter 705
"Yes, I know your difficulties. I will talk about it when you want to hear it. However, I just don't know if it will be too late by then..."

Du Ziyu spoke with a touch of loneliness in his tone, even though he knew that he and Mu Si spent a very short time together, but if he didn't say it was love at first sight to her, it would definitely be considered love at first sight.

At this moment, it is really difficult for her to abandon the person she has always trusted, but to believe in herself, a person she has not known for a long time.

However, it is very clear intellectually, but psychologically, it is inevitable to be a little lonely.

After all, Du Ziyu waited for a while, then started to leave.

"Wait! Tell me, let's go after talking..."

Because of a strange coincidence, Mu Si felt that Du Ziyu would not harm him, and it was only after Mu Si opened his mouth that he realized this.

Such a small encouragement was enough to make Du Ziyu turn his head excitedly.

"Since you have spoken to me, it proves that you really believe in me. Your family's military division is quite ambitious, and it seems that they want to make your prince and wife rebel at all costs."

Du Ziyu was a little excited, and he spoke loudly.

"This, I probably know..."

Hearing what Du Ziyu said was actually about this, Mu Si didn't know whether he was relieved or felt better, but he showed a very relaxed expression.

Seeing her reaction like this, Du Ziyu shook his head.

"No... Obviously you don't know it yet, you don't even know the meaning of 'at all costs', you are also one of the costs!"

Du Ziyu stared at Mu Si's relaxed face and warned solemnly.

"What do you mean? Me?"

Mu Si frowned slightly, and a bad feeling spread in his heart.

"Yes, you. You are the love of your prince's heart. If you die in the hands of the court, your prince will turn against you!"

The corners of Du Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly, showing a bit of coldness.

Mu Si was startled when he heard this, and felt cold all over his body.

Mr. Hua has known her for many days, she thought that the two of them were old friends, but now...

Shaking his head, Mu Si couldn't believe it.

"Don't you believe me?! I know you are the type of girl who doesn't cry when she sees the coffin.

He has reported to the imperial court that although you are a noble concubine, you are still young and weak, and you grew up among the people since childhood, so you specifically begged the emperor to give your prince a side concubine, just wait, it will be soon Soon you will have two more sisters. "

Du Ziyu felt that this girl was sometimes very shrewd, but sometimes she was so stupid that it made people feel distressed.

"Then can the emperor agree?"

Mu Si murmured, but before Du Ziyu could speak, he had an answer.

"The emperor can naturally agree...not only can he agree, but he is also very happy. You must know that the northwest is the retreat route of the master. The emperor is a suspicious person. This time the master did not return to Beijing, but came directly to guard the territory. It's a kind of disobedience. I'm just a little-known princess. I really... It's not as good as the emperor letting people who have turned their faces on me feel at ease.

Furthermore, being able to send someone to make peace with Daze and take the initiative to ask for a woman is, in a sense, a sign of weakness... Whether it is public or private, emotional or reasonable, the emperor will not refuse. "

Sighing slightly, Mu Si had already analyzed the matter thoroughly.

As soon as the words fell, Du Ziyu naturally clapped his hands.

"You are really smart, you are worthy of being the woman that the master likes, should plan this matter early, and you have a plan in your heart..."

(End of this chapter)

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