The shrew of time travel

Chapter 708 Again...

Chapter 708 Again...

After all, Du Ziyu left with the bag of seeds.

There was only Mu Si left in the tent, and Du Ziyu's words filled Mu Si's mind again, and he refused to let go for a long time.

Although in other places, Mu Si can still try to be rational, but in love, she has always been a child.

Not wanting to let himself be bored in the tent and daydream, Mu Si stepped out of the tent directly.

It's just that she didn't go directly to Mu Weichen for verification, nor did she rush to Huafeng for verification.

She had a faint thought in her heart that Du Ziyu didn't lie to her today.

Don't care... It doesn't make sense for Du Ziyu to lie to her...

It is true what Du Ziyu said, if what he said is true, there will be an extra woman in the barracks soon.


There are three kinds of unfilial piety, the greatest is to have no descendants... What reason can be more convincing than this one?

If Huafeng brings up this matter, even if the emperor recognizes her as a princess, he will go along with it...

As expected of a military strategist with divine calculations, once he made a move like this, the ordinary moves were hard to parry.

At the same time, taking into account the face of the Daze Dynasty, Mu Weichen was speechless, and even put himself in danger...


After leaving the tent, the sun gradually rose. The scorching sun was not the hottest scene of the day, but it made the skin of the person standing under the sun slightly tingling.

On weekdays, Mu Si would never stand in the sun, but now, she seems not to be aware of the stinging pain, wantonly accepting the scorching and exposure of the scorching sun.

For a long time, she thought that she should find a warm place to warm her damp soul.

Finally, she moved, and the direction was Mu Xiu'e's tent.

Since returning from the slave market that day, she has not seen her eldest sister for some days.

Originally, he came here because he wanted her to rest for a few days, but now, the Wolf Warriors Group has just started, and everything depends on her command.

Secondly, Rimu Xiu'e was frightened that day and had nightmares for several days. Tieniu understood the situation and was reluctant to let her come out, as if he was afraid that he would be forced to engage in some dangerous actions...

Just as he was thinking, he had already entered Qian's tent.

"You are so busy, why come here when you have time?!"

Before he could open his mouth, Tieniu threw out his blunt words, obviously angry with Mu Si.

Thinking about the scene where he pointed at his nose and scolded when he knew what happened to the elder sister that day, today it is considered polite.

But Mu Si didn't do well in this matter, seeing him like this now, he doesn't have any complaints.

It's just that Mu Si really didn't know how to speak when he was suddenly blamed so directly.

Fortunately, when Aunt Qian saw this, she quickly came over with Fu'er in her arms.

"What are you talking about! Go and get some food for Xiu'e, she is not feeling well, what if she can't eat?"

After saying a few words about Tieniu, Aunt Qian dismissed him.

Then he looked at Mu Si with a smile.

"It's rare for Si'er to come here. Xiu'e is pregnant. Tie Niu loves his daughter-in-law, so don't take it to heart..."

While talking, the creases on Aunt Qian's face were almost squeezed together.

It's full of joy that can't be concealed.

Mu Si was stunned for a while, then realized, and hurriedly followed with a smile.

"Brother Tie Niu is a good thing to hurt the eldest sister. Look at what the aunt said, how could I not know the good and the bad? Just, the eldest sister has a body, when did this happen?"

With this question, Aunt Qian immediately had to be cautious, and hastily pulled Mu Si a few steps towards the entrance of the tent, as if she was afraid that Mu Xiu'e inside would hear it.

"It was that day, when you came back from that market..."

(End of this chapter)

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