The shrew of time travel

Chapter 717 He is Afraid of...

Chapter 717 He is Afraid of...

Hearing this, Mu Weichen immediately raised his eyebrows, "Why do you beg for a side concubine?"

Seeing his suspicious attitude, Mu Si thought to himself that he didn't know.

Only this question is ultimately an unsolvable question, no matter if the answer is yes or no, Mu Si is destined to be dissatisfied.

The corner of his mouth was pulled slightly, and a sneer appeared.

"You don't even know this, so protect me?"

This kind of Mu Si made Mu Weichen feel very strange, with that cold appearance, it seemed that the world could not enter her eyes.

After a long silence, Mu Weichen felt that the coldness in his body had gone a little bit.

"Ma'am, even if there is really something I was negligent about, that's why I made such a mistake, but I hope Ma'am will believe in me from the beginning to the end. No matter what Hua Feng is, Ma'am, you should believe in my heart for you ...I will give Madam an explanation for what happened today... Madam, please rest early..."

Mu Weichen's heart was cold, and the idea of ​​breaking the ice just now subconsciously faded away...

Heart cold left, how could Mu Si feel better?

It's just that if she has to face this day sooner or later, she would rather it come earlier... In this way, she can still have some sanity, at least... Before she gets distracted, she knows what is and what is... No'……

Dejected, looking at the lonely tent, I felt that the light cast by the mutton oil lamp was full of coldness.

Throwing himself on the bed, lazily, without any worry that anyone would come and take her life...

In fact, has she ever been afraid?Was she really afraid of Huafeng, the side concubine of Lao Shizi?

No, she just felt aggrieved... So much devotion with all her heart, but such a meticulous design... How could she accept it?

Besides, Mu Weichen got out of the tent and went straight to Huafeng's tent...

"Hua Feng, kneel down!"

After entering the tent, without saying a word, Mu Weichen directly took the main seat and asked Huafeng to salute.

Hua Feng opened his mouth wide in surprise, but seeing Mu Weichen's furious look, he didn't make any jokes and saluted directly.

"My lord..."

Seeing that although he is kneeling, but his back is straight, neither humble nor overbearing, he looks fearless and fearless, he really doesn't mean to be half guilty.

If he wanted to question, he twirled around his mouth, but he couldn't spit it out.

"Mr. Hua, have you been wronged for so many years?"

After all, Mu Weichen couldn't bear to hurt the friendship of these years.

"No, this old man followed the prince, fought north and south, not afraid of hard work, not afraid of hardships and dangers, never wronged..."

When Hua Feng heard Mu Weichen's question, his heart skipped a beat. He thought that the prince never talked nonsense, but now it is obvious that there is something in the words.

But he thought he did nothing wrong with the prince, so he answered truthfully immediately.

After all, it was the old minister who had been with him for a long time, and his sincerity alone made him blameless.

However, his feelings for Mu Si are not fake...

"If I don't want to rebel, will you be disappointed?"

Finally, Mu Weichen asked directly.


It is still the straight back, and the straightforward words are still the same. It should not be said that way, it should be said that Huafeng's back is straighter, and the words are more straightforward.

It simply made Mu Weichen's heart tremble slightly, he didn't even know how to ask the following words...he was afraid...afraid that the answer he got was not what he wanted...

This thought just flashed through his mind, and he laughed at himself, Mu Weichen, since when did he behave like this, mother-in-law?

(End of this chapter)

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