The shrew of time travel

Chapter 719 After the female slave appeared...

Chapter 719 After the female slave appeared...

"Huafeng... Forget it, get up. Now that you're in this situation, you won't be able to tell the truth, but, if you weren't lying, there might be a big problem in our barracks." Mu Weichen's face was deep, " This strategy of alienation and suspicion has been used too hard, and it has already paid off..."

Hua Feng listened to what Mu Weichen said with a serious face. Obviously, this man's ability to threaten his wife's life has already touched his bottom line.

Now Master Ting asked him to get up, but he didn't get up, he simply sat on the ground, I have to say that he was also very aggrieved as a military strategist, the military strategist is naturally good at strategy, and he has always been calculating others.

However, this time, not only was he being tricked, but it also had a very good effect, which made my heart hurt...

"This matter... I hope the prince can explain the cause and effect to the old man, and we must not let the princess have a rift with the old man! He is really vicious with his heart!"

Just hearing what Hua Feng could Mu Weichen believe it all?The truth of this matter has not yet come to light, once the judgment is wrong, it will threaten Mu Si's life!

Thinking of Mu Si, Mu Weichen's heart felt cold and painful. This girl really didn't love him, she dared to say anything.

Slightly tired, Mu Weichen didn't want to stay any longer. If Huafeng couldn't draw any conclusions here, then he should probably find out who leaked the news...

"The military division is in the middle of the game, so let's avoid suspicion. This matter is related to the princess's wealth and life, and I can't rest assured if she is left in the hands of others... It's late at night, you should rest, this king is back."

Mu Weichen's brows were tightly furrowed, with a look that couldn't be relieved, Hua Feng quickly knelt down on the ground, "Send off the prince."

Mu Weichen just nodded and left quickly.

Looking at the back of Mu Weichen leaving, Huafeng couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

Let's say that Mu Weichen got out of Huafeng's tent and felt the cool wind in the northwest night, his mind was full of melancholy.

I want to wander around the barracks by myself, sorting out my thoughts.

However, after strolling around for a while, he unknowingly returned to his and Mu Si's tent again.

If it wasn't for Hua Feng, then this person must be a familiar person, who can guess the behavior of him, his wife and Hua Lao so clearly, how terrifying must this person be?
In addition, what Madam said before asking for a side concubine from the Daze Dynasty... is even more so that people can't ignore it.

If he can even control such a big matter, either he himself has been connected with the Daze court, or his insight into people's hearts has reached the peak.

Of course, the most important thing is... who is this spy?
Standing outside the tent for a long time, Mu Weichen didn't come up with anything by chance.

"Master, you have been standing here for an hour..."

But Yifei was originally responsible for protecting Mu Si, no, he also had to wait outside the tent when sleeping, especially after being scolded by his master last time, he was more concerned.

"Yifei, has anyone seen the princess during the day?"

Bo Yifei's voice came from behind, and Mu Weichen asked without looking back.

"Today during the day, after the prince left, Asura came over, and after Asura left, Madam went to Qian's tent again. Apart from this, nothing else happened..."

As soon as Mu Weichen heard Asura, he didn't listen to the rest of the words.

"You mean the slave girl?"

Mu Weichen raised his eyebrows slightly, as if all the things that happened recently were all after this slave girl came...

(End of this chapter)

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