Chapter 727
After a short pause, Du Ziyu said again, "Come on, Mu Weichen, I know what you think."

Even if Mu Weichen didn't say anything, Du Ziyu knew it in his heart.

He wants him to protect Mu Si, but it's not easy to say it out of the way...A proud man, it's no big deal, what's the big deal, that's what he originally thought, but that girl is also very strong !
After thinking about it secretly, Du Ziyu thought to himself, Mu Weichen is such a man, he must not be weak.

"Mu Si has already agreed to cooperate with me to create a business empire, and I will protect her. Before I recover my real body, I will be her natal family, and you can't bully her! Although at the moment, I look down and out However, if, indeed, one day, Master will take her and disappear...I promise, you won't find it!"

Mu Weichen raised his eyebrows after hearing this, the result was not satisfactory.

This... can be regarded as a surprise, but... "Well, brother Ziyu, look, can you give me more specific information about the matter of begging for the side concubine that day? Well, Madam Yu, life is also at stake."

In a matter of minutes, a big hole was dug in front of him. Du Ziyu finally understood, and he shook his head helplessly and laughed, "So, you are waiting for me here. Mu Weichen, you have your way... But, you just believe it Me? I told you, can you believe me?"

"Don't be suspicious of someone, don't be suspicious of someone. Presumably, my wife and I have the same idea. Since Brother Ziyu has made an appointment with me, I naturally believe it."

Even though Mu Weichen had all kinds of disbelief in his heart, he could only trust him now.

"What a Mu Weichen, come on, I can't say well about that person. I deliberately lowered my voice when I said it. I just heard it by chance. The voice is indeed so similar to your military adviser. As for the The inside have to investigate it yourself, and it's not my specialty to investigate cases."

After a short pause, Du Ziyu continued, "As for protecting Mu Si... I've already made up my mind to teach her everything in the "Poison Classic"."

Mu Weichen's eyes lit up immediately. Asura's ability to use poison has already been well-known, so there is no need to talk about it. If this matter is serious, it will really reassure him a lot. In addition... "Are you going to take her as a disciple?" ?!"

Looking at Mu Weichen's joy, Du Ziyu always felt that he had suddenly been taken advantage of. Then he thought about it, because Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv in the previous life became husband and wife because of the relationship between master and apprentice, they were all looked down upon by people all over the world.

He thought to himself, could it be that Mu Weichen had this idea?
After thinking about it, Du Ziyu coughed dryly twice, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, "It's impossible to accept apprentices. I haven't mastered my skills yet, and I'm not as good as my master. How can I talk about accepting apprentices? It's just me." Seeing that Mu Si is quite talented, I will first accept her as a junior sister for the master, and when I meet the master someday, I will complete the rituals, and that's it."

Du Ziyu was bewildered for a while, tsk tsk, or junior sister sounds comfortable, you know, throughout the ages, how many hooligans started playing with junior sister?

Don't you know that this "master" surprised Mu Weichen, "You still have a master?"

Although Asura was well-known, she had never heard that she had a master. Now that Du Ziyu mentioned it, she really did, and I couldn't help but be surprised.

"Ha, what a joke. I didn't learn this skill from my master. Could it be that I can still become a talent by myself? Don't talk about gossip, it's settled like this."

(End of this chapter)

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