Chapter 734
After staring at him for a moment, the smug smile on Yifei's face suddenly changed to a serious one.

"Who's here?"

"The Ninth Prince of Daze Kingdom."

Seeing Yifei's sudden serious face, Qin Huai stopped teasing him, after all, the matter is serious and the master is not well, so there is no place for them to be happy.

"The Ninth King is Madam's elder brother, it's good that he came..."

Jun Jiuge defended his wife like that last time, and Yifei saw it in his eyes. Now when he heard that the Nine Kings had come, he thought it was a happy event.

"Ha, I don't know if he is a good person now, but he brought two concubines for our father!"

"Madam is back..."

Besides, as soon as Mu Si entered the camp, Mu Weichen stood up with an uncomfortable expression on his face, which was a guilty conscience.

Hearing her talking outside the tent just now, Mu Weichen's heart was directly raised in his throat.

It's coming, it's coming...

"Imperial sister, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you have grown a lot taller."

When Jun Jiuge saw Mu Si come back, he was also very excited. He was a royal girl who was really different, and he was very happy.

The corner of Mu Si's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the sudden greeting. This is a greeting from Brother Benming... The style of painting is still very strange...

What, does she look like a child?

To be honest, she still has a good impression of this cheap brother who saved the eldest sister as soon as they met, so she wouldn't just pick his reason.

"I thought it was some great big man who came. Everyone in the army was silent like a cicada. Now that I know the power of the emperor's brother, don't take it lightly."

Having not had much contact with Jun Jiuge, it was inevitable that Mu Si's greetings would be a bit blunt, but the smirk at the corner of her mouth made the bluntness a lot less.

"I don't know, the imperial sister, the reason why they kept silent was not because I came, but because your son-in-law will soon have two more side concubines..."

Taking Mu Weichen's embarrassment into his eyes, Jun Jiuge didn't intend to let him go so easily.

Although he came here under the banner of a peacemaker, firstly, he hadn't seen Little Huangmei for many days, so he came to have a look; secondly, he wanted to take a look at Mu Weichen's jokes; thirdly, it was naturally appropriate. To deal with the conflict between the two parties, to find a proper way is...

Having said this, Mu Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes were quickly stained with anger.

"In this way... Brother Huang came all the way to accept concubines for my husband, my sister?!"

Mu Weichen hadn't watched the excitement yet, but Mu Si took the lead in attacking Jun Jiuge.

"How dare you? The imperial sister calm down. Although the imperial brother came here at the request of his life, the imperial brother has absolutely no intention of causing trouble for the imperial sister...

It was just above the Daxiong Palace that the emissary from the Northwest said that the imperial sister was still young, weak and unable to continue to have an heir for King Mu, so this emissary came to ask for a marriage...

The emperor's brother came here to visit the emperor's sister..."

Jun Jiuge really didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, but even the matter of the Daxiong Palace was shaken out in front of everyone.

The two people who had no sense of existence at all, their eyes lit up when they heard the word Mian Mian's heirs, and they both knelt down towards Mu Si.

"Concubine, Mu Qingsi."

"Concubine, Ye Ling."

"Greetings to the concubine, the concubine will stay young forever, and I will be happy and safe."

Mu Si looked at the two of them lying on the ground, grasping the willow waist, making a sound like a gnat, moving like a wind, the two little goblins who came from nowhere, really paid off!

It's a pity that she, Mu Si, is not a sympathetic master, all the mistresses are reactionaries!
"Could it be that just after entering the barracks, the two girls have already consummated their marriage with the prince?! Those who look at the wind and willows, unexpectedly have a quick temper."

(End of this chapter)

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