The shrew of time travel

Chapter 755 This Smile Is Too Weird

Chapter 755 This Smile Is Too Weird
Hearing what he said, Mu Si and Mu Si could barely separate.

Especially Mu Si, with a somewhat awkward expression on his face, after all, as he said, it's really not good to 'show affection' nakedly in public, although she didn't intend to abuse the dog.

Mu Weichen, on the other hand, behaved like a man, and directly hugged Mu Si in his arms, declaring his sovereignty.

After all, this Du Ziyu had bad intentions.

"Okay, I'm really scared of you! But this time really waits for no one. Mu Weichen, you go, I can assure you, as long as you can hold on, I will definitely make a living Mu Si, bring it to you!"

Du Ziyu didn't care. Although he was heartbroken, this was all in front of his eyes.

They are all dependent on each other, and thinking about it makes him feel unbearable...

But at least he can prioritize.

Seeing the situation of the two of them, it may be difficult to separate even if it gets dark.

However, despite what he said, Mu Weichen still hesitated.

Du Ziyu was also a little annoyed by his eyes.

"Mu Weichen, what kind of eyes do you have?! Just be more straightforward, do you think that if it wasn't for Mu Si, I would be happy to show you women?! Pull you down!"

The original unintentional sentence fell into Mu Si's ears, and there was a thunder on the ground, and his eyes sharpened sharply.

"Fly! Go and see those two 'side concubines'!"

Everyone was startled by Mu Si's exclamation.

However, fortunately, everyone is very human, and they have already understood the kung fu at this moment.

Mu Weichen reacted faster, just didn't pay attention to it, but now Mu Si yelled like this, Mu Weichen's right ear moved slightly, and the silver needle in his hand fell into the gap between his fingers.

As soon as Mu Si said this, the silver needle was already shot towards the back of a tent.

Then there was a muffled snort that belonged exclusively to the woman, and she hit it!

Without anyone's instructions, Yifei has already rushed over to check.

But after a while, Yifei directly brought the person over.

Throwed directly to the ground by Bo Yifei, that person was powerless to resist.

Obviously the acupuncture points have been tapped.

"Sure enough, Madam is right. He is a kung fu master. If it weren't for the thirteen needles of the golden acupoint, I might not even be able to catch up with him."

"Put it down, once it flies, you go to see another one."

Mu Si couldn't listen to what he had to say, so he spoke directly.

Bo Yifei obviously knew the seriousness of the matter, so he dodged to leave.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingsi walked out by herself.

"No need! I'm here."

Standing up so neatly, with a harmless appearance to humans and animals, is really unbelievable.

"Oh? Are you here to provoke?"

Mu Si raised his eyebrows, already heaving a sigh of relief.

As long as people have not disappeared, it is the best ending.

"No, I'm here to ask for peace. I can give the list of rebels, and you spare my life."

The Mu Qingsi in front of her looks calm and wise, which is really different from what she saw before.

It's a pity that she already has Mu Si, so she is doomed to be gloomy.

"Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Mu Si raised his eyebrows, not accepting this.

"Compared to you, an undercover agent of the enemy army, I trust the whip and instruments of torture in my hands more."

There was no anger on Mu Qingsi's face, but a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You are really different. You can use Li Mengxiang's results to confront me. Keeping me is only good for you."

This smile looks really natural, but to Mu Si, it is really weird.

At the very least, it's too strange to laugh when this catastrophe is imminent and life is in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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