The shrew of time travel

Chapter 775 It's all over!

Chapter 775 It's all over!
This remark made Dong Yue's heart skip a beat, and he remembered Xu Dong's words before him again.

"You... are... the concubine's person?"

This was said a little belatedly, and Du Ziyu even rolled his eyes.

"Ha, what you said is really evil! If you didn't seem to have some unspeakable secrets just now, do you think you still have your life at this moment?!"

Lifting his eyelids, Du Ziyu vented all the grievance and anger just now.

"Dong Yue? Is there something weed stuffed in your head? When do you think Asura wants to kill someone, since when did he use a beauty trick? I'll sprinkle the poison on you, and you guys will have to play it to the end!"

This look of claws and claws looks like a downright funny comparison, but for Dong Yue, this is a great gospel.

With excitement, Dong Yue's serious face broke the ice, and he grinned at Du Ziyu.

"Thank you, Miss Asura! Brothers were forced to betray the prince because of Kong Quan's lust. Thanks to Miss Asura for saving me, I also ask Miss Asura to tell the prince and concubine what I have seen today, and give me a chance to pay off the crime." Opportunity."

Dong Yue said this very sincerely, which made Du Ziyu feel a little uncomfortable.

You must know that every time he yells, he is always beaten back by Mu Si intact.

At this moment, he blatantly scolded someone, but he didn't expect Dong Yue to react like this.

Immediately, there was an inexplicable feeling that filled my heart.

After giving Dong Yue a strange look, he coughed twice and regained his sanity.

"Ahem~~, it's a crime, right? You take people here to wait for orders, and wait for my wife and I to dispose of the gang of animals, and then let the prince deal with it.

But...don't play tricks on me...I'll go over here to plead with the concubine, and you'll let me sit down that don't need the prince to decide, I, Asura, want you all, let me down. Ash! "

Du Ziyu raised his eyebrows, and there was a bit of cruelty in his eyes.

Dong Yue's expression froze, and he returned immediately, "Ms. Asura, please rest assured!"

Fortunately, there was no more nonsense. Du Ziyu saw that he had a good attitude, so he gave up.

"Stand by!"

Throwing down three words, Du Ziyu left like the wind.

Dong Yue watched Du Ziyu go away alone, and couldn't help sighing, what happened just now was really shocking to him.

This shock, of course, has Du Ziyu's thunderous means, more importantly, this strategy of turning hands into clouds and turning hands into rain.

"Brother Dong...he belongs to Madam..."

It was Xu Dong who was trembling at the side who spoke. At this moment, Du Ziyu's identity had been settled, and Xu Dong's expression improved a lot, and he became more energetic.

It's just that the impact was too great for a while, and I haven't fully accepted the news.

Seeing him like this, Dong Yue actually showed some relief on his face, "Good boy! Hidden! This time, thanks to you, the lives of our group of brothers are saved."

Patting Xu Dong on the shoulder, Dong Yue's words were mixed with ridicule, relaxation, and gratitude.


After hearing this, Xu Dong gave a silly smile, scratched his head, and then said, "Brother Dong, that's great... Miss Ashura didn't betray Madam."

After hearing this, Dong Yue sighed a little in her heart, stupid people have stupid blessings, if Xu Dong hadn't been reckless and straightforward in what happened today, it might not be easy to win the trust of Asura...

If I had known earlier, that was the famous God of Killing...

Sighing, Dong Yue patted Xu Dong's shoulder, "It's really good..."

I just say hello, I don't know if I'm talking about Du Ziyu or Xu Dong...

(End of this chapter)

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