The shrew of time travel

Chapter 778 This Rescue~~

Chapter 778 This Rescue~~
"Hehe... Thank you for your hard work... I'll go see the doctor first..."

Mu Silue smiled awkwardly, talking about him from left to right, afraid that his thoughts would be known by him and make him unhappy.

After all, regardless of Du Ziyu's thoughts, he turned around and slipped away...

"Grass! This little heartless bastard!"

When Du Ziyu saw Mu Si slipping away with oil on his feet, he immediately felt a little unhappy.

He stomped his foot angrily, sulking.

"Miss Asura, are we going to follow the princess now?"

The Northwest Army, which has been accumulated, is already looking forward to it now.

Due to the little relationship between Dong Yue and Du Ziyu, Xu Dong was directly sold out by Xu Dong at this moment, and he was promoted as the leader of the crowd, and he came to negotiate with Du Ziyu...

Dong Yue scolded Xu Dong cheating father in his heart, but he still bit the bullet and came to negotiate.

Du Ziyu didn't expect that after his 'bloody massacre', someone would come to talk to him, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he looked back.

Just about to get angry, when he saw someone, he killed Zha inexplicably.

"Hey! Go, go, just rush to find that King Yama, hum! Don't even know how you died!"

Just now he was angry because of Mu Weichen, now seeing Mu Weichen being mentioned again, Du Ziyu could only feel his heart burst into flames.But for some reason, he didn't lose his temper again, but after saying such a word, he took off the handkerchief and left.

Dong Yue froze in place, with a dazed face, saying something about 'King of Yama'... How could this Asura girl be so hostile to the prince...

Xu Dong, who was behind, saw Du Ziyu walking away, hurriedly took two steps forward, with a teasing face, and punched the armor on Dong Yue's chest, "Okay! Just say you can do it! Don't tell me You have accomplished it! This is you, if you change someone else, you don’t know what the result will be!"

The matter was handled properly, and the people behind him breathed a sigh of relief, after all, they had already seen Asura's thunderous methods.

Seeing that Dong Yue was safe and sound at the moment, he wanted to take a look at Dong Yuegao, vaguely implying that Dong Yue was the leader.

One or two laughing and joking inevitably has to be flattering.

Dong Yue himself was still confused, but now he felt very embarrassed when he saw that everyone was lifting him up a lot like "the stars are holding the moon".

The hand holding the sword leaned against Xu Dong's chest twice, and the middle finger of the left hand hung in the air, and then tapped Xu Dong twice, and this side said, "You boy~~~"

Xu Dong smiled shyly, scratched his head, but still kept his mouth shut, "Hey, Brother Dong is really good!"

Dong Yue stopped, "Forget it, keep up, let's apologize to the Lord!"

"Yes, yes, please go to the prince!"

Under the moonlight, Mu Si's figure gradually approached the forest, but there was only a figure approaching in the forest, but he didn't know it was Mu Si.

I don't know who among the crowd was the first to release a sleeve arrow.

Mu Weichen's face turned pale, and he yelled, "Ma'am, be careful!"

Xiao Tian froze, and hurriedly shouted behind him, "Stop! It's Madam!"

Although he roared anxiously, the sleeve arrow had already flown out. The small sleeve arrow has no tail feathers, and under the cover of the night, its lethality is terrifying...

After the roar, Mu Weichen flew out, Xiao Tian was even more frightened, there are many dangers outside, once exposed to the enemy's sight, the prince's life will be over~~~
It was too late, it was so fast, I saw Mu Si's body swaying quickly, he lowered his back at a [-]-degree angle, the sleeve arrow managed to pass through the gap without hurting Mu Si at all.

Before he turned around, Mu Weichen came rushing with red eyes, and directly hugged Mu Si's back that hadn't returned to its original position...

(End of this chapter)

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