The shrew of time travel

Chapter 799 She actually avoided her...

Chapter 799 She actually avoided her...

Mu Weichen imprinted Qin Huai's reaction in his eyes, and felt more and more that he couldn't help himself.

Only now, "the arrow is on the string, I have to send it".

"You don't know the cause and effect, and it is helpless for Mr. Hua to resign now..."

What Mu Weichen said was very helpless, Mu Si turned his eyes to Qin Huai after hearing this.

It's just that Qin Huai's head is still lowered at this moment, so he can't see Mu Si's explicit hint.

But how could Mu Weichen resist Mu Si's scorching gaze? Mu Si's 'forced', Mu Weichen immediately fake coughed twice, and spoke again.

"Qin Huai, please tell Madam in detail about Mr. Hua's matter."

It doesn't matter if you don't know what to say.

Only what happened last night, Qin Huai saw and heard it with his own eyes, there must be no misunderstandings about it.

Coupled with Mu Weichen's fake cough, it really exposed his "ruthlessness and injustice".

In a bad mood, Qin Huai didn't bother to raise his head, but he had to obey Mu Weichen's order.

"Returning to Mrs. Wang, Mr. Hua's resignation was caused by the wind in his body... Added to the previous incident, Mr. Hua felt guilty and guilty, and now he is indeed unable to be a director. Resigning from office is purely helpless..."

Qin Huai's voice was very mechanical, it seemed that there was no emotion in it, it was just for reporting.

Mu Si could hear it clearly, but he didn't think about it too much, after all, Huafeng knelt on the ground for a long time last night, and he fell ill today, Huafeng treated Qin Huai with great kindness, and now it is reasonable to complain to himself.

"I'm afraid I caught a cold last night. It's probably just resignation. Why did you mention resignation? My lord, I can't agree to this matter!"

Mu Si's eyes were full of pleading.

However, Mu Weichen seemed to have already made up his mind, and at this moment, he just pushed the boat along with the current and said directly, "Mr. Hua didn't suffer from a cold, but a stroke...just as a soldier cannot be without a general for a day, so must he be without a general in this army camp." military adviser……"

Speaking of this, Mu Weichen paused for a moment, and Mu Si's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, the next moment, what Mu Si expected had become a reality.

"Ma'am, the logistics of the Northwest Army..."

Before Mu Weichen's voice fell to the ground, Mu Si directly rejected it.

"Hua Lao's body has always been strong, and he will never suddenly get this kind of disease. Taking a step back, if Hua Lao is serious... if he really has this disease... he can't... and he can't..."

At this point, Mu Si couldn't continue.

He took a few steps forward, only to realize that he hadn't washed up yet, and hurried back.

"Anyway, I can't agree to this matter, so I'll clean up and go see Mr. Hua."

After saying that, he turned around neatly.

It's quick to say, Mu Si is usually neat and tidy, but now he has something to do, he just wet his face, put on a dress, and his hair was tied up casually, after a while, he came out of the inner room again, and saw two people in the room He didn't have anything to say, and he didn't bother to open his mouth anymore. He stepped out of the tent and walked out of this small space full of oppressive atmosphere...

However, how did she know that the reason she felt depressed was because of Mu Weichen's presence and it was directly reduced. Now, the atmosphere in the entire barracks is also lifeless and full of panic...

It was a completely different state of mind from yesterday when they were liberated.

Wherever Mu Si went, the people in the barracks actually avoided her...

(End of this chapter)

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